King, THE KING, Capital “K”. The One and Only, judge of righteousness and Truth. The King of true eternal everlasting Peace that sees no end, ever. King of Justice. In whom all compare to in righteousness. The Maker/Creator of Heaven and earth. No beginning, No End, eternally God.
Who could this have been in OT times? Could it have been Jesus? Could it have been any other than He?
John 8 :56 says, Your ancestor Abraham rejoiced as he looked forward to my coming. He saw it and was glad."
WHO said this? Jesus did. How is it that Abraham “saw” Jesus? He saw Him ahead of time. The LORD Appeared, Father appeared, Son appeared & Spirit appeared to Abraham. (Smoking oven, burning torch…interesting descriptions of what one sees, but may not have a clear understanding of yet!)
Abraham responded in faith with corresponding actions.
He gave of all he’d been given, a tithe. That is some response from a human man to an invisible God.
It is awesome that God who is so “invisible” can be so clearly seen all around us. Grass, trees, flowers, stars, moon, time, order, weather, people, circumstances beyond our control…
The earth is responding to its creation and Creator, and is waiting for humans to respond just as Abraham did, in faith with follow up action, to demonstrate the faith.
Abraham was quite rich, in all areas of his life. Why would he need to believe in an invisible God? He saw way beyond anything that money could buy. He had a Divine revelation of God Most High, and realized all we are allotted here is only a portion of who He is and of the potential he has inside of His plan for each one of us.
Abraham should not have been one we remember as a one and only of his kind. We are his seed and heirs to the promises of God presented him. Remember each promise is an offer to us to believe, receive and embrace by actions, His kingdom, which He desires to establish on earth using us.
Have you ever thought of yourself as an Abraham? If you are the first one Born Again in your household and extended family, that is who you are. God has called you out of darkness and desires you to stand on His promises for the salvation of your whole family, forever. As many as would fill the earth both before you and after you, like sand fills a sea shore!
God is looking for people who will have faith that remains until every last one is saved. Yes, there are some who are hardhearted and won’t believe or will judge or persecute us.
Let me ask you, when was the last time you sincerely interceded and prayed for these “enemies” in your household or extended family units? Or do you just stand in irritation and agreement with their enemies that they’ll never change or that they are bums, or critics or whatever? Who do you think you are, for them? God called you to break powers of darkness over them, the very enemies of their lives that keep them bound up in their sins. He wants us to uncover blindness that keeps them from seeing Him. This happens only through insistent prayers and intercession, mostly done in the secret place. Then we don’t pull up what we planted in faith by speaking contrary to what we prayed in secret, when we are with them or have just left them.
We read a few days back how Abraham rescued Lot. This is an example of what it takes. Spiritual warfare, is what it takes, not natural arguments or complaints or saying what you see. When we say what we see, we are not living and walking by faith. God does not move at all for murmurers and complainers. No, I don’t mean your relative, I mean you!
Do you care at all about the salvation of the souls of your family? Really? You have been co-missioned by God to bring His promises to fruition in them. You are the one who gets to see their worst. Maybe that’s so you can know what to come against for them in prayer!
Have you ever thought that when you give tithe by faith you sanctify all who are called by the same family name as you? If it is given to God in faith, you do. Don’t ever give grudgingly. Give in faith and for a lot more than just a monetary return.
Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.
Now, let’s be brave enough and humble enough to ask, “What are we living for?” It should be the very same thing He lived for. He came to please the Father. He knew of the hard cases when He died on the cross. His sacrifice through faith perfectly pleased the Father. He laid His life down for the hard cases, even those who would not ever choose to believe.
Is anything impossible to him who believeth? No, nothing, if He truly believes and does not faint or waiver, till the promise is seen in action.
How many believe that way for hard cases, so much that they are not moved by what they see or hear and they stand in faith stronger as it gets harder? How many will not give up on a person, ever, till that person dies on earth? How many? That’s the kind God is searching from in the earth. That very kind. Like kind, for that is what Jesus did and is still doing for us!