Know that every word of God is Divinely inspired, every word has meaning. I’m going to use Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon to retell this story using the meanings of the names given…
War broke out in a time of darkness, a time of worldliness. People were self serving, had set up their own kingdoms and were not serving The King of the Universe. (Sound familiar?) They could’ve gone one of two ways, the Way of The King (Jesus) or the way of man (Babylon), it was up to them. Either way would be somewhat hard, one from living out consequences, the other had a price to pay, it was a road laden with obstacles. One would have to be willing to go through it (more warfare) to get there, for they had gone so far from it, it would take a decisive action to take the righteous way again.
One Way, is The Way of eternal life. It is THE WAY of the Lord. Those who would choose it with their free wills, those who would extend themselves to it, who would spend their inheritances on it, would be rewarded now and later on. To be on this road and stay on this road would take discipline, they’d come under the leading of God’s Spirit, His chastening would be their guide.
Those who would choose this narrow way, need to know who and what they will come against along The Way. In knowing and still being willing the price would be paid, the ticket bought.
They would come up against The son of evil, iniquity, burning (eternal consummation), mistreatments, manipulations and merchandising. They’ll incur change, a change of name (from natural Adam to Spiritual Jesus) because of lack of familiarity they’ll feel very unsure of it regularly, for its call to change takes one into unfamiliar territory. Yet going this Way will beautify them, though they won’t see that right away. When they do begin to see it, pride will offer itself to them, asking them to gloat in the newfound beauty, as though they created and authored it. To choose to give the glory of this beauty to others, to another will seem so insignificant, at least here and now. One will wonder why they ever choose to go this way, they may feel confused by what they do not see.
They took this journey for about 12 years, they tried its course for a pretty good amount of time, yet were tired, weary of working for the master of Harvest. They were tired of bringing in His sheaves for Him, His way. Some rebelled, would rather go they way they thought best on their own right.
Those who stayed with Him up to this point began to slay giants. In slaying giants, they began to be healed from all sorts of ailments and diseases. For those who endure to the end, will overcome. Too bad the others waited this long to turn away, when the promises were only one giant away.
Those who stayed this distance were again at a “crossroads”, they still had choices, go on, stay, or turn back! Some saw something beyond them, they saw God moving in the spirit realm, they had to go on. Those who did not see, would not see, would not go on.
In this new place, this new level of faith, there would be opportunity to be terrorized by fear of the unknown and of the known. If they could go there by faith, they’d become one with Him, whom they served and loved enough to come this far. The following had to be by faith in the unseen God, who had unseen enemies destined to be fought by those who would become His army.
Only those in agreement with Him, who had become one with Him, would be able to go up as victors in this place.
There would be a lot more than personal giants to conquer. There would be demons to bring down out of places of power, to expose to His light. Self sacrifices would need to be made in order to conquer here, for there is no authority given to the self seeking lot, ever.
In the very same place would be the offer to serve a Holy God or a lying god. In the same place would be offers to worship Him who sits on the throne of my heart and of he who wants that place. In the very same place could be holiness and righteousness and truth, but also sin, unrighteous works and deception. Only when one is tested and proven here will there be found a real and a true faith in whomever faith is in.
Division will define allegiances.
What is this battle about? It is the battle of the seed, the holy seed. The Holy seed is the word of God alive in people. The kings want to steal the seed and all of the potential of it being able to be planted or grow in any of the people we influence. Every seed that grows can bring forth fruit and in that fruit is more seed. One person has the potential of being a nation. If they can take one, they can have the many.
So they took a family member, a member of a family of a believer. How can that be left alone? The righteous will arise and go after the treasure, the life, the soul.
This was a battle of heaven and of earth, of the ability of heaven to be brought and wrought in earth. There were those engrossed in sin, in iniquity, in darkness, who would attempt to pull others into their allegiance, and those who sought to save.
They come after people many times in the form of taking their possessions, all they live for, all that identifies them. In this way they seek for their soul. The division here would be of what is of utmost importance. When the rubber meats the road, what means the most- people, or things?
Can the enemy have you by way of your things? Can he grab a hold of you and in your fight to not let the things go, can he have you and the seed in you? Can he take your family members by causing you to attend more to the obtaining of things for the family, all the while he is stealing them out from under your nose? What is really important to us is shown in how we live. Don’t go off to work harder and harder for your family and lose them to the appetites of the world (Babylonian kingdoms, Babylonian kings).
When the believer, a true father of faith, one who is truly after the souls of men, heard that even one of his household may be taken, he pursued him towards the judgment (meaning he prayed and fought for his soul as an example and a witness until the day he’d die naturally). With all he had ability-wise, with all His strength and might, with what he’d gained for himself, he went after this soul.
Souls are THE most important thing to our Father, and so should also be the most important possession for us. Abram was a man who knew the Father and His Son, by the Spirit.
He risked all to pursue this soul, even to the laying down of his own life. He would not allow hidden works to destroy this soul, this potential kingdom family member. He would give His life for this one, even if it were only one (remembering inside of one is many). He’d pursue them, even if it meant lay down his own life, like to being nailed on a tree. He’d have to make a trade, a life for a life. Sacrifice would be the only way for a return to be made. There’d have to be an exchange.
He’d have to stand before God. He’d have to stand before the judge of men, the accuser of brethren (thus Lot Abram’s brother) for Lot’s soul. He’d have to stand before the heavenly and the earthly kings and be tried as true.
Abram (father of many nations of peoples) had taken back what was his, and had to account for it before heaven and before hell, as we all do for everything we are given or take back.
He choose, with His freewill, to give portions to God. He chose to give honor, glory and praise to God Most High, in the presence of His enemies, he choose to give God what was due God.
He would not give up what was his to account for, to have more money, or for more possessions. Greed was a giant he’d already eaten. His success was not about what, but who, he had.
How is it Abram already gave to God, lifting his hand up to The Most High before this day? He always had. It was proven by His life and in His heart was found no deceit. His desire was the Lord’s desire, all the way. This is/was proven in the giving of the tithe and the choice of who to eat and drink for and with.
The enemy uses money and the accumulation of stuff to try to entice people, but he is really interested in the people’s souls. So is God! Who the money enslaves is who’s the souls belong to. Be careful, one cannot serve God and mammon. In serving mammon, we serve cannot serve The Most High God. We can have mammon, but mammon cannot have us. People must be the most important possession a in visible demonstration, in our daily lives.