Fruit and worldly success are not at all the same.
Fruit is God’s measure or standard of behavioral character. According to the world’s standard, you could actually have success and not have fruit at all. God is the Mater of the whole universe, of those who acknowledge Him, and of those who do not. He is Lord of All.
One day we all will stand before Him in a time and a place of judgment and the standard He raises to compare us to, will be His word, His truth. It is the same standard He is raising for us right now. In fact, now is when it counts that we measure our lives to it and make the necessary adjustments. We will leave our own standards of living at “the door”, we won’t be able to bring them in. They may have felt like an excuse to us before, but that measure will mean piddly nothing, on this day.
If they will mean piddly nothing on that day it’d behoove us to bring them into their proper perspective now and adjust our lifestyles and thoughts to His. This is why He gave us His word to study, that we may properly exemplify it, and lead others to follow its example.
Vine = Source of supply.
That is not only stating supply for provision. It is stating source of measure, supply of all we need to become as He is. He could say it like this, “I am the true measure, the true standard to live by…My Father is the standard maker, the One who created the standard we live by… Everyone who lives by his own standard and is unable, through it, to become the Word in living color is not of the Vine, or living by the standard, and they have not trusted the One who gives all they really need to live by it.”
Those who say the standard of measure or rule is impossible to live by, do not yet know Him. What they are doing is piddly nothing. They are living for self and that will never last. Yes, it may last for a time, but when the time is over, sadly, it is gone forever.
Remain? Yes, remain!
If not, it is not, made alive.
Death cannot be in heaven. If the life you thought was yours to live is self-centeredness, it is death, it and you will be no more.
Why is my life so hard, why do bad/sad things happen? Why doesn’t anything go the way I want?
Are these questions you ask of Him?
Here are the answers. Living for life, according to His defined design =’s life. Life breeds life! Amen.
If/when we live, as He has deemed, we are plugged into the Vine, who is our source of supply. We are blessed with its abundant blessing. What you ask, according to the will of God, will be done.
Remain, obey. Obey, remain…
I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you. And here is how to measure it—the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends. You are my friends if you obey Me.
Remain, Obey, Love, serve, befriend God, ask, come willingly under command, on purpose.
Live for this (above)! This IS life abundantly.
You are not trying to be popular or loved by the world!
You, as a Christian, live to please God and love men. There is nothing else to live for. All else is death, temporary, and will burn up and away.
I am sending (have now sent) HELP.
Man was not meant to be alone. God sent help for us. Help for us to remain, obey, love, come under command, be friend God, please God, and ask hard/impossible things. We are not alone, as long as we stay, we’ll never be alone in this.
Produce, fruit. Fruit of the Spirit-life in us. Re-produced as we exemplify Him.