When something bad happens or you are under attack, do you ever see good in it, while you are dealing with it, or is it just all bad?
Seeing the possible good is a matter of perspective. In the same situation each of us chooses whether to see through positive or negative eyes. Remember God sees the big picture. We should ask to borrow his “glasses”.
We are in warfare, spiritual warfare. It is not always that bad things happen to come our way because we are doing something wrong. What about doing something right? The enemy hates what is right and righteous. He hates when a human gives the Holy Spirit a body to live in, or when a human allows God’s work to be done through them.
So, the snake bite….Paul was in the will of God, all of the times that are recorded in Acts for us. Yet things came his way, bad things, terrible and horrible things were a part of his daily life’s journey. Did that mean he took the wrong turn, or the right one? It did not mean he missed “God”, as so many of us think of when stuff comes.
No, it was to prove and work the work of God!
The snake bite showed the power of God and released faith among the people’s to receive what Paul demonstrated, which was healing.
He was imprisoned, and then on house arrest. Oh how terrible, or was it?
He had a 12 hr. a day “Bible School” set up for him by the government, where people came to his place, right where he was at, people who were hungry enough to go the distance and take a turn into his house off of their journey’s path. For TWO years he was available for whosoever would come.
What was the big picture? Paul was saved to save, healed to heal, rescued to rescue, restored to restore, known by God to make God known. An ambassador in chains and out. An Apostle/messenger who would, no matter what, get the word out!
He risked his whole life, and God preserved it for His own use.
What do we risk to walk in love? What do we risk to obey God? What do we lay down in our own personalities to be the effective messenger God has appointed and anointed?
The anointing comes to those who love right and hate wrong. Love right in their own lives, hate wrong on the insides first.
Have we also been arrested by the Holy Spirit and made into a whole new person in Christ? Why are we made new? To witness of His life changing power. Saved to save, healed to heal. We are demonstrators of the New Covenant, each and everyday, right where we are. It begins at home, then goes out to church, where we practice it out in a place of grace, and then take it to the very streets we walk.
We’re Acts 29.95 with extra change ( as in coins), today, willingly.
Holy Spirit, have Your way today, in us. Amen!