Thursday, January 18, 2007

Lena's Discipleship Journalin to Today to Acts 15

What is the point of circumcision? Sometimes when we look at the law, we miss the point. Sometimes when we follow the law, as a written set of rules, we also miss the point.
A major point of circumcision is that there’s a mark on one’s body, and mark from a request made by God, followed by obedient action in a human, right where it really counts and in the place where more of the same person is made again or reproduced. Circumcision here is more about what it represents than what is done physically. This is the difference between religion and relationship. One goes through a motion not knowing its meaning or symbolism, the other knows why and does it, even if it’s hard, anyway.
It represents the cutting away of flesh natured actions right in the place God meant everything to happen through the multiplication of human beings. God wants His will in the earth accomplished through human beings and every human being they make after their own kind. He wants His will, and the desire to do His will, to be spread by modeled action throughout all humanity (as in “Here watch me” and in that the desires in others are stirred to do what was done to be there). That takes a sacrifice a cutting away of my own flesh natured thoughts and actions.
A human who does the will of God, can’t do his own will. He can’t just do whatever he wants at any given time, because he gave his life up to God for the kingdom of God’s sake.
He decided to love others better than he loves himself. He decided to be markedly different in his behaviors and the way he lives and raises his kids. It is markedly different. There is a visible difference made on purpose in answer to the call of God. It was done in a very sensitive and intimate place and in a male’s body. That means men are asked to lead in this different kind of living. They are to reproduce God life in others rather than set an example of dog eat dog, selfish life, in others. They initiate self sacrifice, by a living example.
They were willing to cut their own flesh for it and the flesh of their seed that would come after them, rather than slaying others with their dictatorial selfishness they lay down their own for the good of others, especially of their own family.
God asked it of them and whether they know it or not they are accountable to it before God. The scars show the enemy that they answered God’s request.
They are covenant scars. Covenant says, “Your good at my expense!”
They bear on their own bodies, in a place only intimate people see the marks of, the Lordship of Christ. They did not scar themselves on their faces for all to see, they scarred themselves where only God and possibly members of their family would see. The changes God required of them would first be seen in their own households. That’s what God desired it for, home and the most intimate relationships first. A visible sign to those he covenants with, that he is a man after God’s will and he loves God’s will enough to have bled for it!
It says, “I don’t own myself, I’ve chosen to give up my life as a willing slave to God’s will, plans and purposes. I choose love no matter what. Your good at my expense.”
Can someone live that way without being cut in their flesh? Yes they can. That’s what the disciples were saying.
Can someone be cut that way and still live for themselves? Yes they can. That is also what the disciples were saying.
The proof of being “cut” and bearing scars will be shown in your family and intimate relationships. People close to you will know if you are dead or alive unto yourself. Their happiness with you will show others if your covenant was validated by the death of self, or not.
You could be cut, but if you did not willingly die in attitude, submitting your self life to others, the world will know it. They can look at your family, your co-workers, your friends, your neighbors and tell. It is shown in the fruit of your life.
God is looking for those who lay down their lives for others and the others know it personally, they feel the security of God’s unconditional love through you. You are a circumcised covenant “man”. It is done in the intimate place, but everyone sees the fruit. (like a child conceived – everyone sees the pregnant belly and then the living child)
We must be oh so careful to not use God’s righteous royal covenant laws to slay people to show how much we know more than they do, or how much more we are following God closer than they are. His laws are to govern our own hearts and minds, to keep us within the bounds of our own covenant with God, they protect and guide us into truth, the truth that makes us love people who need Him and do not understand His ways yet.
With the law of God, whom we are impassionate for, we slay our own selves and show the world how to live. His laws become attractive in living form as we show forth the produce or products of the law at work in us personally. Things such as love and joy, and peace and patience, and kindness and endurance, etc.; These are evidences of my revelation of the sacrifice of love at work in me. They are characteristics of his kingdom rule at work in me. It’s not my insistence on things my way that is in full bloom in me, it is that I step out of the way daily, allowing His work to be done in a through me, instead of my own work at the forefront. I submit to the ways of His kingdom, because I am made to be a kingdom ambassador through my own obedience to the King’s will.
It does not matter my race, color, or language or my original culture. If I have come under the Kingship and Lordship of Christ willingly, I live in a new way. I struggle when I try to bring the old ways of my own culture into His. It is not allowed and it is illegal alien-ship and I become an enemy of His kingdom when I say things in haste like, “ I’m all in”, but I’m not and it is clearly known by my actions and words spoken.
Anyone from anywhere can find asylum in this kingdom. They just have to come in and be made new, everyday. Jew or Gentile alike, we are both the same if we find ourselves inside of and made one with the covenant practices of his love. I am known by my actions and behaviors, whether I’m of the circumcision or not. It is known in my reproduction and in the work I do with others.
Why would I be troubled by a decision to no longer have others wear marks on their skin as an outward sign? Maybe because I’m not ready to be branded on the heart? Maybe it isn’t on my own heart yet and I want to be at liberty to look like and call myself a Christian, but not really be one on the inside.
Religion exalts man through good outward works, but Jesus described it as whitewashed tombs. That’s a pretty vivid picture there. You look good on the outside, but inside you are as good as dead unto the true desires of God. Religious people do not like change unless they initiate it. If they initiate it, it is ok, but when God or someone else who God subtly uses does, they get upset and offended. They want to sit on the seat of God and do not readily accept anyone telling them what to do.
Jesus upset a few religious man-centered ideas and overturned the tables of earning their own way to god-ship. Religion says look at me, and all that I’ve done in making my way to God. It tries to tell people what they don’t yet know, rather than who they can know.
It points fingers and blames. Blaming is a sure sign of religious thinking and response. Religion looks more outwardly than inwardly.
Your good, at my expense.
That’s relationship, with God exemplified everyday to those around me, if I truly bear the marks of the Lordship of Christ in my body. They may be invisible marks, but they have been cut very deeply into the covenant soul and their fruits are never invisible, in fact they heal nations and peoples. They are for people who pass by to eat off of my tree, for my tree is not my tree at all. It belongs to Him; it is his I gave my own life up for it. It cost a lot, but is worth every penny! Amen.