Setting the obvious aside, the circumstances aside, the preaching of the word is freedom. It is not always as we deem it, immediate, fast food, American Style; but it will not go out void, if it does indeed go out.
So what am I saying? I’m saying there is a cost involved with delivering the most precious gift ever given man, the word of God. Yes, one could be put in prison for delivering its message, yes one could be stoned or beaten, or ousted from their family; that is the obvious. That is the “what is right before our eyes” result, but God’s word is eternal and will live on in the earth longer than humans do. Those who deliver it, no matter what, are called “faithful”. They paid the price to deliver God’s package.
So many times we work ourselves up to even share or deliver what has responsibly been given us to deliver, only to find that after we’ve delivered the message we see no outward result. It’d be nice if it just so happened that when we finally come to the point of opening our mouths boldly, it somehow held some sort of instantaneous rewards for us. But, the reward of our boldness delivered is for God, and it may not be for the here and right now. He requires those who call themselves His to open their mouths.
If we are truly His, this is who we are and what we do. If we do not, we are not, His. If our actions of behavior are not consistent with the living of His words, we also are not solidly His.
His word is exactly like a seed, when we speak we plant His seeds in the earth. We are Sowers, and seed casters. If we want a crop, we’ll sow. The word has freely been given us, so we have as much seed as we desire to sow, the more one sows the more God reaps! If we do not see immediate results, we understand that that’s ok, it is a seed. Go by and water it a bit, and let time pass while the Son shines on the spots that we sowed and watered, it will grow; that’s for sure.
It may be no faith was applied, and some impatient person uprooted the seed before it’s time with words contrary to faith in what was sown, unless demonic presences dig up what was sown. Faith must be applied and then the seed must be nourished with faith and guarded with faith.
If we sow in a person, believing for that person, we are faithful to boldly speak, yet we see no instant response, Be very careful to not walk away saying, “Well, nothing happened there.” Leave the seed there in faith, saying something like- “Well I didn’t see anything happen, but faith is not based in what is seen, it is based what and Who is not seen, and I believe God is great enough to make a plant out of the seed I just planted for His kingdom!”
The men were put in prison for preaching, and while they were not physically around speaking further, the words they spoke still had power. God’s word is oh so powerful when spoken!
When spoken it opens doors, heals, delivers, and saves. We are here, and alive in this time period, to speak His word, for the release of His power in the earth.
There is no other name in all the earth by which men can be saved, none except Jesus! That is a BIG aspect of our faith that differentiates between other faiths. There are other faiths, other religions that have good characteristics, but there is no other name. There are faiths that are noble, seemingly represent god-like principles, but the core system is not THE Name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is the name above every name! This is what makes Christianity The truth. I’ve heard people say, their faith is not bad, and they are right, there is good found in their faith, the only real bad thing is that the good people of that faith are not saved without Jesus being their Lord, their source. Even good people perish; for eternally speaking, there is none good but God and only through His Son’s sacrifice and faith in it, can anyone escape judgment.
The religious people had a hard time with this, because they did a lot of “good” things. The problem with man’s own goodness is it is not what God has set up, it is what man has set up. It is not what God has initiated and defined, but what man defined. If man serves a faith of his own definition, he is serving man. If he serves the faith God has initiated as a response to God’s definition, then he will be saved. Man cannot save himself. He may want to, try to, and think he can, but it is impossible. May as well stop exerting efforts on that, for it will not happen.
The reason man would stop the seed of God from being cast in the earth would be pride and rebellion. Where does pride and rebellion come from? Who do we serve? A god that tells us not to speak the Lord’s name or the name of His Son? Better evaluate that one. What is that rooted in? Self or man exaltation? Is man Lord? If he does his own will he is. Who do we serve? We serve whom we obey.
We cannot stop speaking His name till our time is out here, till we die physically. These disciples were more than willing to die if they had to for the planting of Holy Seed. They knew the Master Creator’s name personally. How could they NOT speak it?
Do we know Him like that?
Why do nations and people rage over this? It is a war of lords and kings. Who gets the throne, or who wants to try. No use trying, He has the throne and will give thrones to whom He so pleases, to those who are faithful. You cannot earn a place with God, you must know Him and make Him known; there is NO other way!
Who do we know of that tried and is still trying ignorantly to exalt his throne above the Most High? He is a spirit of anti-Christ, we need to be aware and kick that spirit out of our homes, thoughts, and actions! We are engaged in warfare, who are we fighting, who do we serve, who’s side are we on? All imperative questions for the new year.
Any traces of pride, rebellion, uprising against God, in-dependence, we should be on the vigilant look-out to come against it like violent men (I’m talking about personally, in our own thoughts and actions). We should never actively or willingly participate in these. The more aware we become, the less we’ll participate in its subtlety. We won’t be sucked in or serve it unknowingly. To not know is to perish. Be responsible, and know on purpose. Be a disciple, be an army member! Volunteer for God’s side.