What was different that specific day when Peter & John passed by the gate Beautiful for the umpteenth time? Was it the beggar who had some new tone of voice, or Peter and John’s confident boldness in the Holy Ghost Who they had recently received?
They were the different ones. Same men, but changed men. The word says that when we receive the Holy Ghost we will be witnesses. Ever feel intimidated to “be a witness”? They had no second thoughts or questioning thoughts that day. They had God’s own Holy Spirit alive in them overflowing out of them, and He did what was needed, with no wonder if it was what to do or not.
“Get up and walk man!”
They now knew as never before what was given them in the work of the cross. They knew firsthand, by God’s Spirit in them, that their Lord had laid down His whole life for people such as these. Their new confidence was in the power of the Spirit of God and Christ! They were one in and through vision and action this day.
As Peter helped this lame man up, so the Holy Spirit helps us with the weaknesses we used to have that prevented His ministry from being worked through us. He lifts us up to see from a new perspective of compassion and Holy boldness.
This sign wrought by their hands opened up a whole area of opportunity for the gospel. We need to be instant in season, and out of season, ready to be tools to open new doors for the gospel that we’ll easily walk through. We open these doors by our obedient boldness, when we move out in faith and action, God meets us there! We move, he heals, we speak, He saves. We move he does the miraculous.
Peter used this as a platform to preach to a multitude. Many were saved, by the obedient touch of one man at the gate beautiful.
What do you have? The very Power and presence of the Spirit of God, the same Holy Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead! Yes that Mighty Working power!