Do you ever think about Paul being employed when you read through Acts? He was a tentmaker. He had a job! It seems whenever we read about successful gospel messengers etc., we always have in our minds that they are not employed by any man, and are only spiritually employed by God.
Did you know we are always employed by God, in whatever we do? In all we do we are in that place to work His kingdom! We are messengers and representatives, both at work and at play. Our jobs are actually our inside mission fields. We don’t even have to leave the country to be a witness, we can do it right at home. At home, is where it counts anyway. The Lord rarely ordains and anoints what does not work well first at home and in the daily workplace.
You may go and travel the globe with your message. But it doesn’t have as much power and anointing as it would through tried and tested character that family relationship so graciously provides for you!
Paul was able to establish a relationship with an unbeliever at work. This was another mission field for Paul to be an ambassador of His King.
I hear these same words from the Lord to Paul so often in my own head and heart. “Do not be afraid, do not be silent…” If we speak out for God as God asks, He’s faithful to cover our backsides well.
We must be bold and proclaim His name. I know we can speak even louder without words at times, as our true witness for our Lord is inside of being a living demonstration of the undeserving, unconditional love of God.
Many, many times our persecution is inside the deceptive lies that plague our heads. As we speak out we overcome the lies and those spirits of intimidation.