Friday, January 26, 2007

Lena's Discipleship Journalin for Today to Acts 23

Paul preached, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must not speak evil of any of your rulers.’”
Why do you think it says that?
Because the opportunities will arise and it will be overwhelmingly difficult to not speak that way unless convicted to obey the word of God with a whole heart. Leaders are set by God over us. One may think if they are unfair that they have not been set there by God, but by self. That is incorrect thinking.
It also says that no one is in authority except by God placing them there. As easily as they were placed there they can be taken out of their positions. The positions are given by God to bring them to a place of further seeking of Him, for they are responsible to God for those of us underneath them. They stand in a place of extreme responsibility before God. They are accountable to God for how they handle matters and people, while we who are under them are only responsible for who and what is under us. The higher the level of command the greater the accountability for souls that person has before God.
The best response we should have when people in authority seem too bossy, unfair, even cruel, is to pray for their souls. Pray that when they have to give account to God for us, they can do that with no fear or dread of righteous judgment and burn before God’s very presence. No one would wish an eternal punishment like hell’s judgment fire on even their worst enemy!
Leaders of all kinds are in places of authority to be a test of our true faith in God and trust and reliance on Him to move mountains and bring change. It is a test of how much we really will pray, forgive and bless, all of these things are kingdom characteristics which must be proven true in us. Without a squeeze, no one, not even we ourselves, will know what would REALLY come out!
Another deal is maturity on the follower’s part. The leader does know more and is leading us. We could learn something from them if we stop being self centered and follow after them. My perception of the way they lead me is directly linked to my maturity level. We could have the same leader saying the same thing and one follower see their guidance as lame, foolish, and petty, while another follower sees it as much needed guidance. The difference was not in the leader, but in the perspective of the follower.
We need change, in the area where we give support to our leaders, making them look good whether they deserve it, earn it, or not. Submission means we make someone else look good because we believe as we honor men that He put in positions of authority, we honor God Himself. We understand, that we, as imperfect humans, may also lead others one day and we believe the principle of sowing and reaping, where God is not mocked, we will reap what we sow.
It just may be that the unfair leader usurped his own authority over a leader he was under and he’s being challenged in reaping what he sowed. We really need to pray for him to change his perspective, heal his wounds inflicted by pride, and grow in Christ.
Ever hear someone boast of being more capable, and able to do the “job” better? Then they get to, and as they do they see much clearer how it is to lead and what it takes to lead well.
Many, many things God gives leaders to do to prepare followers is not desirable, nor easy, but this is how one is trained as a soldier in God’s army. Even if one does not like what’s being done in training they can submit to it for the greater good.
Boot Camp Time, God is desirous of an army! A mighty Army of Godly men and women who know how to get and stay under authority as unto God, and not think that they are just under mere men. They see men as God appointed representatives, and so can follow them as (the submitted ones) follow Christ. They give prayer support, and blessing not cursing. They lend a hand to honor and will not allow the words of an immature heart to spread wildfires to other immature ones.