Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lena's Discipleship Journalin' for Today

I’ve subconsciously thought somehow that when we decided to engage our gift of Holy Boldness, by personally obeying God, all will just fall into order and all who we obediently speak to will instantly believe and the universe will instantly respond to our obedience? We learn from the experiences of these men who were bold before we ever knew Christ. The universe is still taking its time to respond to the work of the cross and the free gift given it by God who sent His only Son, Jesus Christ.
There’s always a cost of truth. Someone has to pay. Jesus paid for what God had hoped and dreamed of, that it could actually become a reality to any man who would believe and walk in the truth. It was impossible to do before He came and paid that price. Our boldness gives out the offer of the acceptance of this truth.
We must obey God in Holy Boldness no matter what anyone ever does with it. If they reject our message, or if they hate us for delivering it, or if they don’t like the way we say it, or cannot stand our personality. If they beat us up or kill us, our portion is before God and not men. We stand in righteousness as His own faithful messengers who will deliver His will no matter what.
Many times I’ve immaturely thought that as I give I’ll have solved some sort of problem and my obedience will activate the answer and bring the result right there, right then. My motivator wanted to see an instantaneous result. My motivator needed adjustments made to see into the realm of the planting of eternal seed and being a mere “messenger boy”, boldly, not considering the instantaneous result.
Even if people feel to debate the word, it is not subject to debate. It is truth, no matter what we think about what we hear. It is for receiving or rejecting. The Lord narrows our choices down. The Lord sums it up saying, “All of these choices that you are pondering, they belong in this one category - rejection of Me. The only other choice is reception. Choose reception, that you and your seed may live, forever.”
Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life, and few are they who will truly walk that way, and go there, and stay there, and who Live and die there.
Narrow means laden with obstacles. People like to go on Easy Street, only to find eternally it was called Broadway and led to destruction!
There are some who will listen and immediately faith will arise. Be bold no matter the outward response. Seize every opportunity for Christ.
Sacrifice your own life. Live as a dead man.
Don’t let anyone worship you, as much as is in you, bring pride down. Let God arise, and as His enemies scatter. Bow down and say, “Thank you, Lord, now what else do you have for me to be a part of doing?” We are vessels of the Lord, bodies He can use because we yield to His work, and we’ve allowed Him to do His will in us. The body that yielded to His will, can disappear in a day and its opportunity for use can be taken in a moment. The only true power we have is in yielding to God. Give it up. The struggle of power lies in who we yield ourselves slaves to the use of. Who are we given over to?
It amazes me that Paul was beaten and rose up and went back for more bold living. I felt so happy when I read it. It was like his first real test of faith and he so passed. That was a hard one. I bet compassion rose in him as he saw firsthand the persecution, but knew of the great love that endures all things.

I don’t think anyone can have that kind of love in all humanness, but knowing Jesus and the love of the Father personally supersedes all flesh natured love. Paul knew Jesus, though he’d not spent the same 3 years with Him physically that the apostles did. We too can know Him as Paul did, and make Him known through this intense personal love