On the Sabbath, that’s the day of God’s will being done by someone other than Himself. It is His kingdom work and will being done on earth as is in heaven. Notice there was a symbolic gesture of work, harvesting. When we are harvesting we are involved in God’s rest, because we are doing His will. We’ve stopped whatever it is we do and we harvest His field. The field is the world; the field is the Lord’s. He is the Lord of the harvest.
It says His disciples were hungry, symbolically we could say they were hungry to work. Ya know if you don’t work you don’t _____, right? So they were hungry and their hunger was leading them to work, but not for themselves, for God. When we work for God’s wishes our needs and wishes come true. This is a sowing and reaping principle. For one to engage in His work shows that person trusts Him to supply their own food as needed.
I’m gonna bring out some practicality on this.
If we work for money, and work, work, work to get more and more money, never thinking of God’s work being left undone, except to feel bad that we have no time for it, or to say we are way too tired from working for ourselves to do any of what we believe He’s asked of us, the bottom line is we are not in faith, we do not trust Him. Remember we cannot say we trust Him and do something else contrary to the action of that trust.
I have to work. Yes you do. God requires that a man work and support his household. It is the responsible thing to do, but the number one work to be done is God’s work. That we are responsible to also. If an man does not work (for God’s the establishment of God’s eternal kingdom on earth) that man is empty. He has no spiritual substance. He has no spirit life in Him, he’s dead to the things of God, he doesn’t eat, and the worst of the tragedy is God’s will is incomplete, and we’re the responsible ones to its accomplishment.
Well if I work for the establishment of God’s kingdom, when will I get money?
Boy that’s a valid question. Ya know how the earth belongs to the Lord and all of the fullness or increase of the earth is His? Ya know how the fields are His, for He is the Lord of the harvest, right? Ya know how when you’ve grown up a bit you go to work, and you go to college to get a better job to work at? When you go in for counsel you are asked what career FIELD you’d be interested in pursuing. Where do you think they got that lingo??? It is God language. Those who have ears to hear and eyes to see can see that whatever we do and whatever money we make is allotted from the Lord. Money is not meant to enslave us, it was meant to serve us as we serve Him.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added unto you. Seek first. That means His work is first priority in everything we do to make money. When we work any job in any and every field it is a place God has set us in to be an influencer over people who can be influenced by watching the character of our lives day in and day out. It does not matter where we work, or what we do. It matters who we are, where we work. While I work I make friends who will see me everyday, who will watch and prove the Christ in me. They’ll see and get to know the real me and they’ll be able to tell others of my following of Christ, if I’m really a Christian. I’ll make friends that I can bring into deeper relationship with my natural and spiritual family and with Christ. I’ll be in a regular place where I’ll build trust in my lifestyle and be able to be a beacon of light shining in whatever darkness there is in someone else’s life.
I don’t skip church for work. I may have to re-arrange a few times or days, but I have to assemble with the body to become stronger in the character I’ll be portraying and I must be in the presence of God first, it is like my kingdom OJT time. Since working for God is my #1position, I cannot miss that. I cannot skip what is the most important. What I make first priority is what shows God and others what is really important to me. I cannot say He is important and work instead. That’s hypocrisy. Let me tell you too, it will be greatly tested especially when you first get hired on a new job. Is it worth risking the job to serve Christ? Yes is the answer. If we trust God and display His work as most important He’ll honor us for it and we’ll get a better job.
People often wonder why they got saved and God is not blessing or supplying for them abundance. #1 He did not say when you get saved you get rich naturally speaking, but priority has everything to do with the windows of heave opening on us or not. God does bless us the more important Hse is to us the more we are blessed, our blessings are far beyond where money is concerned.
We must also realize in order to truly be freed from any area of bondage we have to obey God. If say we will obey Him in order to be freed but we do not continue in that obedient action, we deceive ourselves, the enemy has his way and we get overcome with bondages again, which become strongholds we begin to be accustomed to living with, we acclimate and cope with what is rather than venturing out into what could be overcome through simply obedient action. Obedience is THE fruit of a love relationship. It goes a long ways with love, with faith, with deliverance, with healing, with comfort and joy, etc. It fulfills so many promises. It is the epitome of love fulfilled and so covers oh so many mistakes. It does not hide them it obliterates them through its power-filled washings.