“Clothes” are significant of coverings. “Coverings” are not just woven cloth with patterns that are cut in various fashionable shapes to enhance one’s body type and add variety to the enhancement of body features from day to day.
There is a great significance whenever the Bible mentions coverings or clothes or armor. It is telling us we have to be covered in the spirit, for in the spirit world there is warfare. The spiritual clothing we wear lends us each with a mark, of who’s we are. Whose we are is very significant of who’s help we get or do not get in the spiritual warfare!
What are you dressed with today?
Each evening we change clothes as we retire for the night, and each morning we choose our day attire also. If we have a special occasion, we wear another type of clothing. Each situation brings its own need pertaining to covering. Sports activity suggests a certain type of covering, swimming, running, and tennis playing all deem a certain type of clothing for their activity.
There is appropriate dress, and inappropriate dress. It would not be appropriate to wear a formal gown when horseback riding, or have a swimsuit on, if a soldier.
Did you know in the spirit we are either covered or uncovered? The best attire we could wear is that which the Lord has provided each of us. What He has provided is put on us by us. We are big enough to dress ourselves. This “armor” we wear, if we so choose, is a uniform of sorts that causes us to look just like He does, if we’ll put it on. So if we wear this “God-uniform” each day, the enemy does not see us, but he sees God!
There are coverings that can only be put on through submission and trust in Him. No one (who does not see into the spirit realm) really wants to be told what to do, nor is he so happy being required to submit, but those who see as God sees and understand covering in the spirit, will never choose to go out uncovered, or stay in uncovered, for that matter.
The covering that is placed on us through submission is very important as it covers the most vital central system of the body, the head. If the head is not covered in the day of battle, it is subject to injury and that could easily affect the rest of the whole body.
This scripture passage addresses the heads first, beginning with the youngest of the flock of God’s interest and love, children. We must read this as spiritual and natural children. When we obey the scripture, our heads are covered in the day of battle. When our head is covered, the responsibility and accountability before God for our safety and security moves up to the one who cover us, through our submission. The covering of Children is found in obedience to parents, the covering of women’s are found in submitting to men, and the covering pf men and their responsibility before God, is found in loving the wife and nurturing and admonishing their children, and in their own submission to Jesus as Lord and Master, who leads them to lead others well.
Every time the scripture asks us to willingly place ourselves under authority or to stand covering another with agape love, we are being held responsible by God to both be covered and to cover, for His glory. One cannot cover or even give account to or for himself, he must be submitted to another above his own head.