Saturday, December 09, 2006

~Lena’s Discipleship Journalin’~
Theo-philus, means “lover of God”. John means “Jehovah is a gracious Giver”. He was one who showed the Way to seeing the Divine Gift of eternal Life in Christ Jesus the Lord.
Remember we are all “Johns”, as in preparers of the way of the Lord.
Bring joy and gladness and rejoicing because of the anticipation “coming” of the Lord.
This John, did not ever touch wine OR hard liquor, for his complete and total source of supply, His total source of peace and comfort and health was tapped into God.
He is filled with the Holy Spirit, full of, compared to having the spirit within measure. He was filled to the overflow, with the spirit of God.
He is persuasive concerning the gospel message.
Turning hearts.
Having the spirit and power of Elijah whose ultimate purpose is to turn hearts around from the service of self, or of evil, to the service of Father God, and of the people He loves.
He will persuade the church to turn to the Lordship of Christ, rather than merely the acknowledgement of Jesus as a Savior of the whole world.
He prophesies. That means proclaims, preaches good news of salvation and Lordship. He sees with vision beyond natural eyesight’s view. He speaks of that which he sees eternally speaking, exhorting others to head towards that vision as more than a goal, but as a lifestyle of pursuit.
He makes hearts ready to receive revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, planting as many seeds as are allowed, watering along the way; making people ready to hear deep truths for their own freedom and liberation from the bondage of sin, causing disobedient minds to change to obedient minds, who willingly accept the wisdom of God, rather than the reason of men.
This is the spirit of “John”, which is the spirit of God, which is inside whoever calls on the name of the Lord and accepts the call to reconciliation.
Even Zacharias and Elizabeth had an Encounter with this invitation to come out from one way of thinking to participate in another new way of thinking, in order to let God more effectively work through them in the earth.
Do you know people let God work, or don’t let Him work? He is gentlemanly and won’t work in us if we don’t allow it.
Ever been dumfounded by what you saw in the spirit? That can be a good thing for a time, while God works on your faith level and trust and reliance level, so you’ll change whatever it is you’re saying to be in agreement with His words. He is looking for men who will say what He says, believe what He says, agree with what He says and proclaim it as so throughout their part of the earth.
We need to study more of what His will is so we can set ourselves in agreement with His will which will bring life. It does not work well to say we agree and then speak words contrary. What we are speaking in normal everyday conversations is what we really believe. That is the part God wants to change with the empowerment of His words.
When the way is prepared and we find the Lord is with us:
Fear dissipates
We’re blessed
He will be magnified in us
His name will be exalted as great in and through us, wherever we go.
We’ll be overshadowed by God Most High
He’ll be allowed to rule and reign
We’ll watch the impossible appear
He’ll truly have what He has always wanted to come true.
Emmanuel God is With-In us.
When Jesus is revealed to those who are lost without His Spirit in them they will be changed as Mary was, from bitter to sweet (Mary means “bitter”) –. Part of the beginning of change for Mary was Mary was open to being used by God. God desires each of us to be used to hold His Son until we can give Him to a lost and dying world. Elizabeth observed the key in Mary’s change. “You are blessed, because you believed that the Lord would do what He said He would do”.
Do we also believe what the Lord says, enough to personalize it and live for it, all of the days of our lives? Enough to allow God to move in and rearrange our homes and schedules, and plans to replace them with His?
Notice when Zacharaias resolved with action to speak in agreement with God, His words were heard again? His tongue was loosed to speak more of what God would say. In the creation of the world, the Bible says, God said, and God saw. What God said appeared. God also told Adam to name things, and then whatever he called it, it became. His words, as a man, established it.
What kinds of things are we establishing with our day to day conversations?
What are we saying? ”I’m so sick and tired of this and that”? Then are you always wondering why you feel so ill, and fight staying awake for anything important, or are so bone tired all the time? You have taken been taken, the thief knows the principles of God’s words and the power He gave us to use and create with words, he’s using yours for his own glory and power. He’s snookered our society into thinking we’re helpless to make anything happen differently. We are perishing for what we do and do not know.
Know that our words frame out our worlds!
Here are some other examples……“I always get the worst parking spot”, I never seem to get ahead”, “I have the worst of luck”, “Yeah my mom and grandmother were like this too, it’s just our family curse”….. Is that what you want?
You cannot wish away things like that. You can’t even hope God will pass a magic wand over your situation if He somehow loves you enough to help you. That type of thinking is incorrect assumption. You must come into agreement with what God has already said about your situation in order for any creative power to be released on your behalf.
It took an extreme measure of grace for an angel to “put his hand over” Zacharias’ mouth and allow him time to meditate on this principle. He had a son of God to rise up into a man of God who would be faith-filled and say what needed to be said in a day of opposition. God dealt with the mouth of His tutors and governors first. Good thing Zacharias got it while John was just a baby! How long is it taking us to get it? God won’t let us raise His Holy Seed until we become governors of our own words.
There’s a Psalm that says- Oh Lord, set a guard over my mouth, a watch on my tongue. Amen.