Friday, December 08, 2006

~Lena’s Discipleship Journalin’
One must come to the knowledge of the truth. The truth is, we are not mere human beings having intermittent spiritual experiences; we are rather eternal spirit beings having a temporary human existence. Understanding this will cause many a mystery to be solved for us, especially in the area of understanding purpose. Do you know you perish for the things you do not know or understand? These things actually can kill you? Eternal destruction is far greater a tragedy than natural death, what we do not know about being spirit beings and what we do not understand of the work of Christ’s redemption can destroy us forever. This sets off alarms in the very center of my being. It makes me want to liver here longer and get the message of rescue and of this reality out.
Just as an astronaut must have a space suit to live in space, so we as eternal beings must have an earth suit, a physical body to live here. When we give up the earth suit body, we leave earth, but we are eternal, so we’re not “gone”, just gone from earth. We enter whatever realm we are a citizen of. If we are Kingdom of heaven citizens, we go to heaven and put on heavenly bodies. If we never receive eternal redemption, we are held in a place of judgment awaiting an eternal doom.
Ya know the scripture that says, wherever your treasure is your heart will also be? This has to do with storing up for eternity. We do that now. How we live and who we decide to live for shapes our eternal home life. Our earth life is all about securing our eternal life. It’s about finding the One who redeemed us, and beginning right at that point living eternally for Him and telling others how to also be rescued that they may make eternal investments and live life abundantly. It’s about showing as many others the way, as we can in our time here. It is a pivotal time and very, very temporary, yet such a power-filled time for daily opportunity to reconcile God and man together for eternity.
Our aim………..AIM,,,,,target….thing to shoot at……pinpoint while we are here on earth, in earth suit physical bodies, is to please Him. It is because we know this solemn fear of the Lord that we work so hard to persuade others. Good and evil works are not just good things we do, no our goodness is of God, evil is what does not benefit those who could know Him more. Doesn’t that put a stricter light on the walk of the spirit and the eternal responsibility we have? If our modeling does not lead others to Christ and redemption or if it actually leads them away from Him, that is evil. Jesus Himself said, what is not of Me is from the evil one. What is not outright for me is automatically against Me. Good vs. evil? Light- darkness, truth-lies, in-out, active-inactive….
We are Christ’s Ambassadors. Representatives of God Himself on earth. We are made able each day through the changing power of His Spirit actively alive in us.
Let us regard each person we meet as one who has an eternal destiny, a reserved seat in the kingdom of God. Let’s look at them, not after the different masks they wear, but according to the purposes God has set aside for their lives here and after here. Let’s look beyond the veil of the flesh covering that has us here for a time to accomplish a task while here on earth. Let’s look past that outer covering into what God really sees in people. Pettiness and day to day irritancies will quickly disappear when we see into the life of the spirit. Things won’t be as hard to face either, when we’ve been re-centered face to face with His Divine purposes and plans.