I with Paul today BEG you. Dear God I beg you - Live a life worthy of your calling!
We are all called by God to win the lost. We are all called to represent Christ in this earth for as long as we are alive, physically speaking. We are all called to be trees of righteousness and have healing leaves to feed nations and deliver peoples.
I pray, live as though you know it, run after that calling. It does not matter if you are a Pastor, leader etc. You are a Christian. People are looking at your life with a microscope. Let them look deep inside and see the awesome purposeful work of God, as you passionately pursue Him.
I think we have heard so many things defined as mere rules, that we may have missed a great point. Is what I am doing with this or that person, or where I’m going, or what I say or what I’m seeking offensive to the presence of God?
Paul exhorted for understanding, concerning the sin or fornication - don’t join your body with a harlot, (for your physical person, the house of your eternal spirit person, belongs to God and therefore is God’s property while you are on earth, the body which is a vessel of honor, the house of The Lordship of Christ in living form); Don’t use that body to offend God. Would God sleep with someone outside of a covenantally committed relationship? Would God get His own satisfaction? Would He use someone to satisfy His own physical, lustful needs? Think about it. We are like Christ, we say we are Christians. What is Christ in us doing today and why? Where is He being taken today? What is He meditating on, what are His plans in us?
If I believe I belong to God and am an ambassador and representative of God, and I really believe that this is my Divine call, I will walk every step of my life as though it is so.
The fruit of the spirit is worth posting on every wall, in order for the brain to take a hold of it as a life’s goal and pursuit, for inside of it is the very character of Christ we wish to display. (Gal 5:22)
Be ONE with Him, His will and with one another, which shows our pursuit of oneness with Him.
Christ came to the earth and left Earthians with purpose that He’d demonstrated by example. He left the Holy Spirit with us so we could be as Jesus was. Christians are those who have allowed Him to live on in them. He left, but He left His spirit, any who receive of His spirit, can become as Him in the earth to carry on who He was and why He came, except in a more magnificent way, because He was one man, single. If we all receive Him now, we are many, multitudes of Him in the earth. THAT is fulfillment of purpose, to be more of Him. It is the original Genesis mandate. Be fruitful (filled with the character of God’s own spirit nature), multiply, replenish, fill, subdue/rule.
God meant for one man to become many sons. One woman to become many daughters, one Jesus to become many Christians. A truly humble person sees that and does something each and everyday about it.
Live NO longer as the ungodly…..
THAT is such a huge venture in our current culture. It is a call of God. It is a command. One must accept its commission as their own and then open up the eyes to Not be as the Babylonian call of worldliness deems. If they’ve closed their minds and hardened their hearts we have to open our minds and soften our hearts on purpose. We cannot let the “chips” fall as they may. We cannot serve God if it works out today or go to church if I’m not too tired, or read the Bible if I don’t have anything else to do. That is run over Christianity. It will be brought to nothing very quickly. We are engaged in the army of God. We are soldiers of the King, the Most High God. We arise each morning as keepers of the faith. We take what He has given us, the opportunities He’s given us, with zealous, fervent action, we go after them, disallowing any distraction or thievery. We’re all in and we’re forceful for this faith of our Lord. We’re kingdom men and women who know what belongs to our Father and will keep it, violent in spirit.
We cannot give ourselves over to anything or anyone but God. We war against what offends Him inside of our personal lives. If lust arises, it is taken personally as an offense to the God who is in us and we purposefully nullify its power by non-participation, and the replacement of unconditional love. We replace the ways and tendencies of our old person with righteous thoughts, which we know takes diligence. We diligently become a new man, by discipline, study, fellowship and following after Him and His.
What if I’m just this way? You’re not just that way, that’s a lie, you are made new in Christ. You have new opportunities each and everyday. Everyday is a day for change, for godly character to be formed and priorities to be changed. Decisions steer this course. We seek wisdom and make God-led decisions filled with purpose and for purpose.