Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Proverbs 9 Let go of Hell's grip!!!

Scripture selections are taken from the Rock Church Daily Bread Reading schedule for each month. “Lena’s Journalin’” are Lena’s comments on the specific passages from her Daily Journal.

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Proverbs 9:1-18

1Wisdom has built her spacious house with seven pillars. 2She has prepared a great banquet, mixed the wines, and set the table. 3She has sent her servants to invite everyone to come. She calls out from the heights overlooking the city. 4"Come home with me," she urges the simple. To those without good judgment, she says, 5"Come, eat my food, and drink the wine I have mixed. 6Leave your foolish ways behind, and begin to live; learn how to be wise."
7Anyone who rebukes a mocker will get a smart retort. Anyone who rebukes the wicked will get hurt. 8So don't bother rebuking mockers; they will only hate you. But the wise, when rebuked, will love you all the more. 9Teach the wise, and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more.
10Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in understanding.
11Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. 12If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit. If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer.
Folly Calls for a Hearing
13The woman named Folly is loud and brash. She is ignorant and doesn't even know it. 14She sits in her doorway on the heights overlooking the city. 15She calls out to men going by who are minding their own business. 16"Come home with me," she urges the simple. To those without good judgment, she says, 17"Stolen water is refreshing; food eaten in secret tastes the best!" 18But the men don't realize that her former guests are now in the grave. F16
FOOTNOTES:F16: Hebrew in Sheol.
Copyright Statement: Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

~ Lena’s Journalin’~
I think about the principles in this passage almost daily, as I pray for people to be brought to the Lordship of Christ Jesus.
People receive the “lord” for various reasons, and maybe we should better say, they seek God’s mercy
and grace (free gifts & pardon) and call out to His name to help them out of different situations. Many of these seek Him out for relief from present problems, and when a bit of relief comes, they feel they are better, ok enough, and can take the reigns back in hand from here. As they do this they walk away from Him until the next need for grace and mercy and what is perceived as unconditional love.
The spirit of the Lord is well accepting and no matter how or when a soul comes to seek Him, whether it be for help or whatever, He receives the soul with great hope that that needy person will take a hold of the true hope that can only be found in surrender to a will other than their own.
The spirit of the Lord is well used by needy humans, and day after day He watches people get relief and peace in Christ only to turn back to the sources of the world and serve them or themselves instead. It can be likened to a one night stand (an old, old term- huh?). I get what I need and want and it is temporary, there is no commitment involved. Sometimes both parties agree to only be served for temporary relief with no commitment, but God is Not that way. He is covenantal in nature. Whenever we seek Him, He totally hopes and expects this is the time we will commit.
It is time to commit whole heartedly to the Lord. Walk away from our old ways of getting relief and peace. Join whole heartedly in the work of the kingdom of God in the earth. Join with a local embassy (church body) and commit to helping with the work they do together. Stop church hopping and shopping and only feeding on what is fed you and feed someone else!
It is time to make a quality decision to serve the Lord.
I’ve heard so many ladies who have seen a glimpse of Jesus, say, my husband won’t go. That astounds me. I wonder if they speak to one another relationally about what is truly important to them. If serving God is top of the list important, and you know and see truth, is needs to be well communicated. Especially if you find yourself or your family in a crisis and you see the way, truth and life answer to the matter at hand and beyond.
We submit ourselves to Drs, hospitals, therapy, of the physical, mental and spiritual nature. It is not any weirder to submit one’s self and family to the order of the church! Isn’t it much more extreme to be put to sleep by strangers and lay half naked in a strange to you place, allowing them to drug you and take a knife to your body? Then put you on a regimented drug therapy program or send you to classes on how to stay well, but give no time to God who created you?
God created us, knows us from the inside out, spirit, soul, body. He has a way out of the hell you’ve been in, but it is NOT magic. God is your healer and the only way to eternal life. The only way. That seems like an important concept to discuss with your spouse and even tell them “this is how I’m choosing to live and I love you and I so desire you come with me so we can both learn to commit to our Creator and learn how to raise our kids and be who we were both created to be in the earth”. People ask for many a test of love. If you love me you’ll….Since you love me will you…? For some reason church doesn’t seem to rank real high on that list of shared importance’s or requests. I often wonder why?
One day there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and those who held back from conversations about the kingdom of God, thinking they were too hard, will be so deeply saddened that what seemed hard to say here will have had an eternally negative effect.
Openness and honesty go a long way. This is NOT religion, this is relationship with our Creator God, the very One who made us, set us on earth, and is waiting for us to do a thing or two while we are here.
Those who love God cannot hold back from telling, because loving means obeying. Jesus said, ”if you love Me you will (will to) obey Me, if you do not obey Me, you do not love Me”. I often pray for my love-walk to increase, if I see I’ve not been obeying Him much. Wisdom means action. It does not mean I know so much, it means I do what I know. Ever hear someone say, yeah I know, I know, but I’m just not ready to do it? You don’t KNOW it then. The fear of God leads us to do what we don’t feel so much like doing.
If one understands the seriousness of perishing, of hell’s fire, the fear of God begins to bring them to
wisdom action. They cannot keep their faith to themselves, they break through walls, pray without ceasing and make the hard approach of speaking and of changing so that their words have power, not second guessing the outcome before they ever approach, giving themselves excuse to not speak again.
There’s no excuse to not rescue a soul. That’d be like excusing yourself from rescuing a drowning person you were standing by in shallow waters. The only reason a person would not save a person is they do not really believe in God who saves. or they don’t believe in hell and that the person is perishing.
It boils down to what IS important. Eternal life that starts now and brings people into the kingdom IS THE important thing! Making money is NOT important. Making a name for one’s self or being famous or having a lot of toys is Not important. Relationships are. The kingdom of God in the relationships are, that’s why we have these relationships.
I’m telling you, Loose your tongues, speak about the great love of God that can overcome anything we go through, be a light, speak, do not hold back, even if they do not choose you will have NO regrets for you did all you could and became all you could to win some.
Folly, that’s putting importance on temporary nothings! Her former lovers are in hell!
I pray God will give you a small glimpse of hell to scare it out of you. It only takes a glimpse, to move someone towards a holy boldness to commit, stop shopping and just trying God out, to dive in and speak for the love of God. who is so gracious to save men out of its mouth. It amazes me how confident people are in their options. Like kingdom living is optional. Wow!
Do you know the scripture says, the mouth of hell increases? That was never meant to be. It was created for satan and the 1/3rd of the angelic hosts who followed him out of heaven, not for people, but the evil hosts have invited church shoppers, and people who won’t commit to anything, and those who use God for an occasional love pat or a sense of temporary peace, and they’ve swallowed lies and accepted the deceptive invitations! That’s tragic.
Isa 5:14
THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language
Sheol developed a huge appetite, swallowing people nonstop! Big people and little people alike down that gullet, to say nothing of all the drunks.
The King James Version (Authorized)
Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth (people who go to church just to show up to look good, but do not, will not commit to the love of God and change of relationship with His spirit), shall descend into it.

The terrible tragedy of it is so many times when Jesus spoke of people going to hell, He was talking to church goers, who did not take God at His words, and just go to church. He spoke to religious spirits, trying to shake them up and out of hell’s deceptive grip. You cannot go to church, for you are the church, a very part of the body of Christ. If you have received Him and are called by the name of Christ, a Christian, You ARE THE church, and only a small part of a many membered body and assembly of righteous men and women committed to the cause of Christ. People who just go to church can actually go to hell! Going to church does not make one right w/God!
Even the world says the definition of insanity is doing the same thing (even a different way) and expecting different results. Don’t try God out, don’t try faith out, don’t try churches out. Seek Him where He may be found in an assembly of unperfected people who love Him with all their souls, might and heart and who are attempting daily to love others. Join and commit to faith in Him and the perfecting of His Body. It’s time to change allegiances, kings, loyalties. TODAY. I’m very serious, you cannot say someone did not tell you, but you could say you wouldn’t hear it! (that’s called being deaf or asleep). Alarm is sounding- Wake UP!

Daily Thought to Ponder -
“Oh Give Thanks to the Lord for He is Good!”