Sunday, April 09, 2006

Today's TRC-DB Psalm 145 w/ Lena's Journalin'

Scripture selections are taken from the Rock Church Daily Bread Reading schedule for each month. “Lena’s Journalin’” are Lena’s comments on the specific passages from her Daily Journal.

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Psalm 145:1-21
A Song Of Praise
1I will praise You, my God and King. I will honor Your name forever and ever. 2I will honor You every day, and praise Your name forever and ever. 3The Lord is great and our praise to Him should be great. He is too great for anyone to understand.
4Families of this time will praise Your works to the families-to-come. They will tell about Your powerful acts. 5I will think about the shining-greatness of Your power and about Your great works. 6Men will speak of Your powerful acts that fill us with fear. And I will tell of Your greatness. 7Many words will come from their mouths about how good You are. They will sing for joy about how right You are.
8The Lord is full of loving-favor and pity, slow to anger and great in loving-kindness. 9The Lord is good to all. And His loving-kindness is over all His works. 10All Your works will give thanks to You, O Lord. And all those who belong to You will honor You. 11They will speak of the shining-greatness of Your holy nation, and talk of Your power. 12They will make Your powerful acts and the great power of Your holy nation known to the sons of men. 13Your holy nation is a nation that lasts forever. And Your rule lasts for all time.
14The Lord holds up all who fall. He raises up all who are brought down. 15The eyes of all look to You. And You give them their food at the right time. 16You open Your hand and fill the desire of every living thing.
17The Lord is right and good in all His ways, and kind in all His works. 18The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. 19He will fill the desire of those who fear Him. He will also hear their cry and will save them. 20The Lord takes care of all who love Him. But He will destroy all the sinful. 21My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord. And all flesh will honor His holy name forever and ever.
Copyright Statement: New Life BibleScripture quotations are from the New Life Bible, copyright © 1969 by Christian Literature International. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

~ Lena’s Journalin’ ~
I was listening to a message yesterday where the speaker was talking about this very thing of passing the message on to those who come after us on earth. He was talking about writing things down, even taking notes about messages we hear. He said that the human mind just won’t remember all that we sit in church and listen to.
It’s being a better steward of our time here on earth if we make it a point and see to it that we purposely put the messages or words of God we hear to memory. What we remember we can learn, we can live, we can share. If we don’t know, by remembering what we’ve heard, we won’t do.
Those around me have heard this again and gain, since some of you haven’t, I’ll post it here.
The average person who sits in on conversations, business meetings, takes part in school room education, attends seminars or hears church messages, retains 7-10% of what they’ve heard spoken. Taking notes during the meetings will increase that retention to 40%, hearing the same message again also increases the retention of the information.
If I was paying thousands of dollars to get a degree to work in a certain field, I’d like to get more than 10 % of what I sit in on, it would be the same with a seminar that I attend. If I decided to go or my company had sent me to towards improving myself and my work situations, I’d like to get as much as I could of what I paid for. The price is usually a few hundred dollars and then the flights and the hotels and the food etc, to only take 10% home! WOW.
What about God’s word. Say I only get God’s word by sitting in church for 2 hours once a week. I thought I was doing pretty good by making at least that much, 2 hours, right? Wouldn’t you feel robbed, if we took away 90%? That’s what happens when we don’t write it down.
Anyway, a comment the speaker I was listening to made, was, “Aren’t you glad God wrote it down?” He did that, had men do that, so that the generations would also have the correct information. I think that is so cool!
Of course we know God’s word is not just information, but is for life-formation and transformation of persons.
Another one I know of, is, once a person hears a new idea he does not usually readily accept the idea, he ponders it, which is wisdom. He may not realize the process, but as he hears the idea again and again maybe in different forms, he becomes familiar and thus finds a bit of comfort in its “newness”. After hearing the idea presented to him in various ways over an undetermined period of time, he gets it. It usually takes 7 times to get something, a new idea or even a concept say in school. This is how God made us, this way we don’t just go with any and every thought that comes our way. By the eighth time the idea becomes his, enough for him to “sell” it to others also. Isn’t that cool?
When we know this we can become more patient with others, knowing as teachers, instructors, parents and mentors, that the first time we present a new idea, it is the first time. Ever have a teacher ask if you’ve ever heard “this” before? I wonder if he’s gauging how receptive the particular crowd will be that day to the idea he’s presenting?
Some plant, some water and it is God who brings the increase….
The point being led to here is we are responsible to pass on the ideas of the gospel and the truths contained therein. We first must accept them for ourselves, adapt them to become our lives, and then we are responsible before God to pass them on as many times as we have still here on earth.
Aren’t you glad God wrote them down?
The speaker I was listening to, said he and his wife had lost 2 infants, and then adopted a baby girl. He was writing down things about the goodness and greatness of God for her. He said he’d give it to her at her graduation, so she’ll have a book to keep seeing how good God was to her family, to her father, and to the world they’d been sent as ministers to. Of course he would tell her and show her all along the way, but she’d also have a book to keep with her always.
Our Father has given us a book to keep with us always. It’s not just ink on pages, it is truth and life to our spirit’s souls and bodies, it is medicine to our flesh, life to our inner persons. It is eternal.
How much are we taking in? Enough to feed others of the life we’ve been given? How much are we retaining, so we have enough to give?
Be blessed today – Hosanna (Oh Lord Save Us!)
Happy Palm Sunday.

Daily Repetitive Verses:

John 3:17
You know these things – now do them! That is the path of blessing.