Scripture selections are taken from the Rock Church Daily Bread Reading schedule for each month. “Lena’s Journalin’” are Lena’s comments on the specific passages from her Daily Journal.
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1 Timothy 2:1-15
1First of all, I ask you to pray much for all men and to give thanks for them. 2Pray for kings and all others who are in power over us so we might live quiet God-like lives in peace. 3It is good when you pray like this. It pleases God Who is the One Who saves.
4He wants all people to be saved from the punishment of sin. He wants them to come to know the truth.
5There is one God. There is one Man standing between God and men. That Man is Christ Jesus. 6He gave His life for all men so they could go free and not be held by the power of sin. God made this known to the world at the right time. 7This is why I was chosen to be a teacher and a missionary. I am to teach faith and truth to the people who do not know God. I am not lying but telling the truth.
Women In The Church
8I want men everywhere to pray. They should lift up holy hands as they pray. They should not be angry or argue. 9Christian women should not be dressed in the kind of clothes and their hair should not be combed in a way that will make people look at them. They should not wear much gold or pearls or clothes that cost much money. 10Instead of these things, Christian women should be known for doing good things and living good lives.
11Women should be quiet when they learn. They should listen to what men have to say. 12I never let women teach men or be leaders over men. They should be quiet. 13Adam was made first, then Eve. 14Adam was not fooled by Satan; it was the woman who was fooled and sinned. 15But women will be saved through the giving of birth to children if they keep on in faith and live loving and holy lives.
Copyright Statement: New Life BibleScripture quotations are from the New Life Bible, copyright © 1969 by Christian Literature International. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
~ Lena’s Journalin’ Today ~
The first verse is indication that the rest is going to be about order. Order is for order. Order is not because we like or think one thing should happen before another thing, it’s about priority, so that something will work, if it is done in an orderly way, it will work.
Such as, driving in a car. There is an order. If you take the car out of gear first and place it in drive and put your foot on the gas all before you start it, it will not work, because there is an order. If you start it first it will go, if you don’t just because that’s what you like better, it won’t go.
Many people want to work a certain job, and as many job seekers have found out, there is training involved in working that specific job. If they do not do the training first, they usually do not get the job, they’d like. If they really, really want it, they’ll go through the training. Some training could take 1 year, others, 2-3-4 years +, yet if they want that job they’ll go through the training first. That is order. The order works pretty well too, from many, many past experiences of people in the past, they decided on an order that works, compared to no order that didn’t work.
God sets order, because He made us and knows what works for us, and how we can live fulfilled in serving Him in ways that do work.
Have you ever read God’s word and doubted it, or disregarded it, saying in your heart, that’s not what that means or it could be done a different way? Has there ever been a thought in your mind that you might be able to do it a better way and it will work better for you? That kind of thinking is the kind of thinking teenagers use. Experiential thinking, everything needing to be based on experience and if I haven’t had the experience yet, it’s not valid.
The thing is, God knows everything about everything and He made us and He just knows it all, so that would lead us to see there may be a trust or a pride issue, if we can’t somehow take the words of God for the value they have and give us.
Pray for all in places of power and authority. Our husbands and fathers, our parents, our teachers, pastors, government leaders, city leaders and traffic signs that tell us where to drive, what to do as we drive etc. Obey the rules set out by men under God for our good in other-words, follow the order instituted by men, yet authored by God. All of this is about order, not who’s better than someone else or who’s more loving, or who really cares . God cares enough to set order around us.
The obedience to order may lead us into obedience to God. We tell our children, when we learn to obey in simple, little things, we’ll learn to later hear God and quickly just do what He says. Obedience dispels rebellion.
Christ’s obedience to God put us in a place where we could be saved from the death penalty sin had placed on us.
Men ought to pray submissively, wholeheartedly, in a way that is giving everything up to God.
Why would it say don’t dress up so much? It has to do with priority, security and attractiveness. What is our priority? Who or what is our security? Who are we attracting? If we are seeking God’s kingdom, and if we are secure in His love and occupied with Him, why would we need to be noticed or pointed out for what we wear or how we look, by others? If they point us out, it would be better if they saw His love in us, than the latest fashions, or that they saw a sexy inviting look, it would distract from our true representation of Him. If we buy the most expensive clothes, it would show what we spend a lot of our time and efforts on, we work for the money to get the “best” clothes, we buy the best clothes, we care for the clothes and that they look just so on us, we spend a lot of time thought and energy on all of this. It shows people we don’t have so much time for the things of God, but we have a lot of time for the things of us. We only have so much time here on earth, how we spend it for God’s kingdom is very, very important. We will later feel so sorry at what we spent our time and attention on if we don’t get a revelation soon about priority and order and submit to it’s guide and protection over us.
So women ought to be quieter and listen to men?....Is that true? It is said that women speak about 25,000 words per day and men 10,000. One probably thinks as much as they are quiet, while the others speak without as much thought, might be a good one to ponder a bit and listen to God on.
Daily Repetitive Verses:
Proverbs 27:17-19
17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another. 18 If you care for your orchard, you'll enjoy its fruit; if you honor your boss, you'll be honored.
19 Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart.
Psalm 122:1
1 When they said, "Let's go to the house of God," my heart leaped for joy.