Matthew 24:37 "When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah's day. Let’s see, in Noah’s day there were no rules and no one wanted to be told what they "should" do or not.- They ALL died….
Luke 12:25 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not! Should I go after people intently who won’t listen, because I’m worried that they will go to hell? No, I should go after them because God told me to and I love them because I love Him, I can’t worry, I can only obey, I won’t worry. It is their choice, my accountability is to God, as theirs is, for my choices- did I obey as well and as much as I could- would? Or did I ( as those in Noah’s day) choose to do it when I wanted to how I wanted to? Which may have ended up being seldom, if ever.
Psalms 1
1:1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with scoffers. 2 But they delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about his law. 3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper. 4 But this is not true of the wicked. They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. 5 They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly. 6 For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.
~Lena's Journalin'~
I pray this does not sound hard this morning.
Noah’s day, obedience, worry, planting, growing, Mt, Lk & Ps are all saying the same word. Do you recall the passage where it says in the mouth of 2-3 witnesses let every word be established? There are at least 3 here, I believe that means when I hear the same word 2-3 times it will become established in my heart, enough to have said I heard it. When I’ve heard it, I must do it, or I’ll die- spiritually speaking, because of the effect of sin (disobedience and willful rebellion are sin). What am I purposefully doing about the words I’ve heard 2 & 3 times over again? Are they growing in me, or have I rejected them, regarding them as someone else’s word to obey? When I do that the words do not take root in me and my tree cannot grow or produce fruit. God is saying today- that we want fruit, but we’ve not let certain choice words take root. Why? We’ve been standing around waiting for God to do something for us, when He’s waiting to do it with us. What was the last thing God told you to do, that you are mulling over in your mind? The mind is a bad place for mulling by the way, the heart is the God processor and faith builder, the heart is the responder and the place of good fruit roots.
Let’s say He told you to stop watching violent shows on TV or movies…in your mind you say, well ya know it’s about light and darkness, just like life is everyday, and the light wins, maybe it will even show me how to win over this darkness I struggle over, plus it is just a movie, plus I need to relax with my husband, etc etc.
There we go, we did not take that to heart, we took it to mind. He tells us again and again, and prompts us by conviction of His spirit, We gently ignore it and have not yet obeyed it, but intend to someday. We wonder why we are angry, why we are intolerant- not a display of good fruits- we ask God to change us. We think things like, "make me nice, God!" He knew you wanted to be nice before you ever asked, He was setting you up for success, He was trying to uproot what was making you angry, impatient and sad, but you said, No. I’ll do it my way.
Is this hard? I pray it is not hard. It is truth. We live this way when we live like the world. Psalm 1 says the one who listens to wisdom is blessed. Amen! How does wisdom come? From experience? More from obedience. By obedience our roots are planted and by exercised obedience they take to growing deeper. When we exercise obedience, when we look for ways to obey more, and we are tuned into God’s voice, because we want to hear it on purpose and we want to please Him on purpose. Then our roots grow deeper still and suddenly a tree breaks forth from hardened ground and nothing can stand in its way, nothing can blow it over, nothing can uproot it, nothing can hold back the breakthrough, it is grounded in love. It is grounded in the love of God that says, if you Love Me obey Me. We wonder where our fruit is, it is in obedience, continually exercised obedience in every simple thing. Our struggles our in our minds, in our souls, over who or what we will obey. Let's take God's words to heart, even the simplest ones, everyday.