Psalm 16 (New Life Version)
The Lord - Our Safe Place In Life And Covering In Death
1 Keep me, O God, for I am safe in You.
2 I said to the Lord, 'You are my Lord. All the good things I have come from You.'
3 As for those in the land who belong to You, they are the great ones in whom is all my joy.
4 Those who have traded for another god bring many troubles on themselves. I will not take part in their altar gifts of blood. And I will not take their names upon my lips.
5 The Lord is all that I am to receive, and my cup. My future is in Your hands.
6 The land given to me is good. Yes, my share is beautiful to me.
7 I will give honor and thanks to the Lord, Who has told me what to do. Yes, even at night my mind teaches me.
8 I have placed the Lord always in front of me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be moved.
9 And so my heart is glad. My soul is full of joy. My body also will rest without fear.
10 For You will not give me over to the grave. And You will not allow Your Holy One to return to dust.
11You will show me the way of life. Being with You is to be full of joy. In Your right hand there is happiness forever.
~Lena's Comments~
If I’m not in Christ, or not in God, where am I? I’m lost, I’m floundering, I’m on my own, or serving others. When I’m kept ‘in Christ" I’m kept by God and for God. I’m safe. I’m thankful, grateful. I’m appreciative of being brought out of darkness into the family of God, I desire and yearn for the fellowship of those who have been in His family longer than I, and I rejoice when there are new members! I remember when I was 16, newly come to the Lord. I’d go to youth events and concerts. I had such a love for God and His people. I was so appreciative of where he had brought me from and how He had changed by Destiny, my future. After concerts there would be altar calls, and the people in the room, would clap and sing and whistle and rejoice whenever a person (then it was always a lot of persons) would make a move towards receiving Christ and repenting towards a new life. The speaker would tell the persons with newfound faith that the angels have a party every time someone comes to know Christ and accepts full heartedly what He dies for. I remember feeling the joy inside of me over someone else experiencing what I’ve been given so freely, and I was in the company of many others who also rejoiced this way. It was awesome, the greatest joy ever. I still feel the elation over someone choosing the one who’s chosen them from the very beginning. They’ve traded for themselves darkness for light, they’ve decided to stop the cycle of sin, they’ve chosen to serve the One true and living God, they’ve set themselves up for eternal success. Vs. 6 in other translations, says "the lines have fallen for me in pleasant places." Everything in my life was line-less, no directions, no map, no rules, and God has been gracious to me to bring me into the framework of His spirit. He sets me on a pathway where I can see where I’m going if I’m willing to trust and follow after Him. His rules help me learn of His ways and no that there are other ways that lead me to death. The lines outline my habitation, so now I have a place to live with Him, where before I was "homeless." They also surround and protect me and keep my destination to hell cancelled. His lines drawn around me make me invisible to hell’s call. I am contained by His spirit, I’m am kept unto Him, for safety, for health, for blessing. Amen