1 Timothy 3: 1 - 16
1 It is a true saying that if someone wants to be an elder, he desires an honorable responsibility. 2 For an elder must be a man whose life cannot be spoken against. He must be faithful to his wife. He must exhibit self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. He must enjoy having guests in his home and must be able to teach. 3 He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. He must be gentle, peace loving, and not one who loves money. 4 He must manage his own family well, with children who respect and obey him. 5 For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of God's church? 6 An elder must not be a new Christian, because he might be proud of being chosen so soon, and the Devil will use that pride to make him fall. 7 Also, people outside the church must speak well of him so that he will not fall into the Devil's trap and be disgraced.
8 In the same way, deacons must be people who are respected and have integrity. They must not be heavy drinkers and must not be greedy for money. 9 They must be committed to the revealed truths of the Christian faith and must live with a clear conscience. 10 Before they are appointed as deacons, they should be given other responsibilities in the church as a test of their character and ability. If they do well, then they may serve as deacons. 11 In the same way, their wives must be respected and must not speak evil of others. They must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do. 12 A deacon must be faithful to his wife, and he must manage his children and household well. 13 Those who do well as deacons will be rewarded with respect from others and will have increased confidence in their faith in Christ Jesus.
14 I am writing these things to you now, even though I hope to be with you soon, 15 so that if I can't come for a while, you will know how people must conduct themselves in the household of God. This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and support of the truth. 16 Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith: Christ appeared in the flesh and was shown to be righteous by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and was announced to the nations. He was believed on in the world and was taken up into heaven
~Lena’s Comments~
An "elder" is an overseer, one who helps others by example and teaching. Aren’t all of us elders in someway? Whether in our homes, or at our places of employment or in our community or churches, we are all examples to someone and have influence on someone somewhere. On that is more mature, may realize this and actually desire to be an influencer with purpose involved. I’ve heard a lot of people who have realized that others watch their lives say, "I don’t want them looking at and following after me." That is understandable to not enjoy the "scrutiny" that can come from being an example, but when one understands this is the way God created us and he placed us strategically in places of influence that we may deposit His image in others, we then arise as "grown ups" and take on the task with joy, because of the purpose involved. This is what this "elder" has done, he desires what God desires and is submitting his life to be a responsible steward over God’s fields of harvest. Notice it says if someone desires this position. In literature the word "he" or "man", is used to reference all of humankind. I did look this word up in the Greek and it’s meaning was "whoever". Remember woman came from man and they two were and now as separated beings are one flesh. What an awesome mystery, the two were and then again became one. Anyway, let’s look at the passage as it applies to the lives of all Christians in all positions and circumstances. (home, work, community, church). Why would it matter at all what other think of us? Think, "of good reputation" in the community. Why would that matter at all? Who cares what people think of me, my family, or whatever it is we decide to do, right? Not righteous thinking, maybe right by the world’s independent spirit’s standards, but this is not how God thinks. He made us to be copied, just as when he made us he copied Himself. This was a model he desired to perpetuate through you and I. When we get personal we’d do that for our kids, but not for the world? The world are God’s kids and he cares what they think of the people who are His Body, His church. Reputation is very important. What we do, where we find ourselves going, who we hang with regularly, what we listen to etc, are all very important, They tell who we are #1 and also who’s we are. We may say Jesus is Lord- Hallelujah, but if we do not prove it by how we live, as far as the world is concerned we are lying and they don’t want to be like us at all. They hate hypocrites.
The word "deacon" means "servant". Servants carry the very character of Christ, who was God yet came to give it all up becoming a servant for the purpose of saving others. Why would we serve in God’s house? In the church facility? Because we love God and we love His people enough to even care for their physical, leading to meeting their spiritual needs. We are participators in His literal family and are willing to show it by even sharing in the practical responsibilities.
These are both titles of leadership in Christ’s Body. God wants His people to desire His holiness enough to desire to be proven and given titles that they uphold responsibly. Why would anyone want a title like that? To glorify God more, to prove and show His integrity. To shine forth His love and light. Titles put us in positions to see the importance of developing and maintaining Christian character on purpose. Before you were a parent, you thought and acted one way, after putting on the title "father" or "mother" you acted and thought differently, you persued responsibility on purpose. God so desires a people who will rise up on purpose, who will be proven on purpose, who will be seen by others on purpose, who will be on display to glorify Him, who will respond to Him and copy Him and allow others to copy Him too.
1-е Тимофею 4
1Дух же ясно говорит, что в последние времена отступят некоторые от веры, внимая духам обольстителям и учениям бесовским,
2через лицемерие лжесловесников, сожженных в совести своей,
3запрещающих вступать в брак [и] употреблять в пищу то, что Бог сотворил, дабы верные и познавшие истину вкушали с благодарением.
4Ибо всякое творение Божие хорошо, и ничто не предосудительно, если принимается с благодарением,
5потому что освящается словом Божиим и молитвою.
6Внушая сие братиям, будешь добрый служитель Иисуса Христа, питаемый словами веры и добрым учением, которому ты последовал.
7Негодных же и бабьих басен отвращайся, а упражняй себя в благочестии,
8ибо телесное упражнение мало полезно, а благочестие на все полезно, имея обетование жизни настоящей и будущей.
9Слово сие верно и всякого принятия достойно.
10Ибо мы для того и трудимся и поношения терпим, что уповаем на Бога живаго, Который есть Спаситель всех человеков, а наипаче верных.
11Проповедуй сие и учи.
12Никто да не пренебрегает юностью твоею; но будь образцом для верных в слове, в житии, в любви, в духе, в вере, в чистоте.
13Доколе не приду, занимайся чтением, наставлением, учением.
14Не неради о пребывающем в тебе даровании, которое дано тебе по пророчеству с возложением рук священства.
15О сем заботься, в сем пребывай, дабы успех твой для всех был очевиден.
16Вникай в себя и в учение; занимайся сим постоянно: ибо, так поступая, и себя спасешь и слушающих тебя.
Kommentarii ~Leny ~
"Starshij" - nadziratel', tot, kto pomogayet drugim primerom i obucheniyem. Razve vse my ne starshiye v nekotorym obrazom? YAvl'ayems'a li v nashih domah, ili v nashih mestah zan'atosti ili v nashem soobschestve ili cerkv'ah, my vsemi primerami k komu - to i imeyem vliyaniye na kogo - to gde-nibud'. Na etom boleye zrelo, mozhet pon'at' eto i fakticheski zhelat' byt' influencer s vovlechennoj cel''u. YA uslyshal mnogo l'udej, kotoryye pon'ali, chto drugiye nabl'udayut, chto ih zhizni govor'at, "ya ne hochu ih smotreniye i posle posle men'a." Eto pon'atno ne obladat' "issledovaniyem", kotoroye mozhet pribyt' ot togo, chtoby byt' primerom, no kogda kazhdyj ponimayet, chto eto - sposob, kotorym Bog sozdal nas, i on razmestil nas strategicheski v mesta vliyaniya, chto my mozhem vnesti YEgo izobrazheniye v drugih, my togda voznikayem kak "vzroslyye" i voz'mite zadachu ot radosti, iz-za vovlechennoj celi. Eto - to, chto sdelal etot "starshij", on zhelayet togo, kakoj Bog zhelayet i predstavl'ayet yego zhizn', chtoby byt' otvetstvennym st'uardom po oblast'am God’s urozhaya. Zamet'te, chto eto govorit, zhelayet li kto - to etogo polozheniya. V literature slovo "on" ili "chelovek", ispol'zuyets'a, chtoby soslat's'a na vse chelovechestvo. YA dejstvitel'no iskal eto slovo na greke, i eto oznachayet, byl "to, kto by ni". Pomnite, chto zhenschina priyehala ot cheloveka, i oni dva byli i teper' poskol'ku otdelennyye suschestva - odna plot'. Kakaya udivitel'naya tajna, eti dva byli i s drugoj storony stali tem. Tak ili inache, davajte smotret' na prohod, poskol'ku eto obraschayets'a k zhizn'am vseh hristian vo vseh polozheniyah i obstoyatel'stvah. (domoj, rabota, soobschestvo, cerkov'). Pochemu eto imet' znacheniye voobsche kakoj drugoj, chtoby dumat' o nas? Dumajte, "iz horoshej reputacii" v soobschestve. Pochemu eto imelo by znacheniye voobsche? Kto zabotits'a, kakiye l'udi dumayut obo mne, moyej sem'e, ili nezavisimo ot togo, chto eto - my reshayet sdelat', pravil'no? Ne spravedlivoye razmyshleniye, vozmozhno pr'amo po standartam vsemirnogo nezavisimogo duha, no eto ne to, kak Bog dumayet. On sdelal nas, chtoby byt' skopirovannym, tak zhe, kak, kogda on sdelal nas, on skopiroval Seb'a. Eto bylo model''u, kotoruyu on zhelal uvekovechit' cherez Vas i men'a. Kogda my stanovims'a lichnymi, my sdelali by eto dl'a nashih detej, no ne dl'a mira? Mir - deti Boga, i on zabotits'a, chto oni dumayut o l'ud'ah, kotoryye yavl'ayuts'a YEgo Telom, YEgo cerkov''u. Reputaciya ochen' vazhna. CHto my delayem, kuda my idem, s kem my visim regul'arno, chto my slushayem i t.d, yavl'ayuts'a vse ochen' vazhnymi, Oni govor'at, kto nam *1 i takzhe kto - my. My mozhem skazat', chto Iisus - Bog - Alliluj'a, no yesli my ne dokazyvayem eto tem, kak my zhivem, naskol'ko mir zainteresovan, chto my lezhim, i oni ne hot'at pohodit' na nas voobsche. Oni nenavid'at licemerov. Slovo "d''akon" oznachayet "sluzhaschego". Sluzhaschiye nesut samyj harakter Hrista, kotoryj byl Bogom, vse zhe pribyl, chtoby dat' vsemu etomu stanovleniye sluzhaschim radi spaseniya drugih. Pochemu my sluzhili by v dome Boga? V cerkovnom sredstve? Poskol'ku my l'ubim Boga, i my l'ubim, chtoby YEgo l'udi dostatochno dazhe bespokoilis' ob ih fizicheskom, privod'a k vstreche ih duhovnyh potrebnostej. My - uchastniki v YEgo bukval'noj sem'e i zhelayem pokazyvat' eto, dazhe razdel'aya v prakticheskih ob'azannost'ah.
Oni - oba nazvaniya liderstva v Tele Hrista. Bog hochet, chtoby YEgo l'udi zhelali, chtoby YEgo sv'atost' dostatochno zhelala byt' dokazannoj i dan nazvaniya, kotoryye oni podderzhivayut otvetstvenno. Pochemu l'uboj hotet' nazvaniye like eto? Proslavl'at' Boga bol'she, dokazyvat' i pokazyvat' YEgo celostnost'. Siyat' dal'she YEgo l'ubov' i svet. Nazvaniya pomeschayut nas v polozheniya, chtoby videt' vazhnost' razvitiya i podderzhaniya hristianskogo haraktera narochno. Prezhde, chem Vy byli roditelem, Vy dumali i dejstvovali odin put', posle nadevayuschij nazvaniye "otec" ili "mat'", Vy dejstvovali i dumali po-drugomu, Vy persued otvetstvennost' narochno. Bog tak zhelaniya l'udi, kotoryye podnimuts'a narochno, kto budet dokazan narochno, kto budet zamechen drugimi narochno, kotoryye demonstriruyuts'a, chtoby proslavit' YEgo, kto otvetit na Nego i skopiruyet YEgo i pozvolit drugim kopirovat' YEgo takzhe.