Friday, May 27, 2005

Today Our Daily Bread Psalms 29 (English & Russian)

~ For Olga ~
Псалтирь 29
1 (28-1) ^^Псалом Давида.^^ Воздайте Господу, сыны Божии, воздайте Господу славу и честь,
2 (28-2) воздайте Господу славу имени Его; поклонитесь Господу в благолепном святилище [Его].
3 (28-3) Глас Господень над водами; Бог славы возгремел, Господь над водами многими.
4 (28-4) Глас Господа силен, глас Господа величествен.
5 (28-5) Глас Господа сокрушает кедры; Господь сокрушает кедры Ливанские
6 (28-6) и заставляет их скакать подобно тельцу, Ливан и Сирион, подобно молодому единорогу.
7 (28-7) Глас Господа высекает пламень огня.
8 (28-8) Глас Господа потрясает пустыню; потрясает Господь пустыню Кадес.
9 (28-9) Глас Господа разрешает от бремени ланей и обнажает леса; и во храме Его все возвещает о [Его] славе.
10 (28-10) Господь восседал над потопом, и будет восседать Господь царем вовек.
11 (28-11) Господь даст силу народу Своему, Господь благословит народ Свой миром.
Russian Synodal Version (RSV) Public Domain

Psalm 29 A Psalm of David.
1 ASCRIBE TO the Lord, O sons of the mighty, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
2 Give to the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness or in holy array.
3 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders; the Lord is upon many (great) waters.
4 The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.
5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; yes, the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
6 He makes them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion (Mount Hermon) like a young, wild ox.
7 The voice of the Lord splits and flashes forth forked lightning.
8 The voice of the Lord makes the wilderness tremble; the Lord shakes the Wilderness of Kadesh.
9 The voice of the Lord makes the hinds bring forth their young, and His voice strips bare the forests, while in His temple everyone is saying, Glory!
10 The Lord sat as King over the deluge; the Lord [still] sits as King [and] forever!
11 The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.
Amplified Bible (AMP)

~ Lena’s Comments ~
Ascribe means to give over to, to give permission for the use of, to give a permit to, to provide for. Ever thought of providing for God? We always think of Him as our provider, right? And so He is. We, His creation, also provide for Him a reflection of Himself, but only by our choosing. So if we PERMIT His works to be at work in us it strengthens God. Think about it. God wants to be demonstrated in a strong way in the earth. Say there were 5 people alive on earth who could choose God or not. If one of them chose to reflect God in the earth and because of that choice He infused them with His glory there would be a demonstration of 1/5th of His power and love demonstrated in earth, but if 2 decided to give God permission to use them as reflective lights in darkness then it would be 40% of the earth lit up with His glory. So the Lord is strengthened. When these two agree, even in the midst of the other 3, seemingly outnumbered, there is a supernatural increase of God’s power and this His glory in the earth.
In Women’s Bible Study Group this season there was a mention of holiness defined as DO-ing God’s word, Be-ing God’s word. That Holiness is not something we wear to church or put on only around those who know we go to church, but it is who we are everyday of every week. It is getting and hearing and doing the word of God in our everyday lives. This is a pleasing offering we give to God. What joy a parent has when they give wisdom to their children and their children listen and do their words, rather than try some of it, rebel against most of it, fake or lie about it, etc. Ever see your child walk right in the footsteps you painted with or for them and feel the joy of watching them succeed? Well, that’s how our Father is also strengthened when we walk in true holiness before Him.
Where do we hear the voice of God? In His word. Without knowing His word personally, we do not know Him personally. If the word has always been what we go to hear, because we should or we have to, or someone has made us to think it’s required, we do n’t know Him personally. That’s like going to a movie or a concert performance we didn’t want to see, we sit through, fulfill our obligation and leave, unchanged or uninfluenced because we were only there to fill space. I think of the places I want to be and the people I want to be with, there’s no obligation felt in that relationship, even if I’m asked by them to go here or there or do this or that. I want to because I love them and have enough of a relationship to desire to serve them. I also tune my ear towards hearing them because of my interest in hearing their particular voices. If I haven’t heard from them in awhile and they call, I quickly am pleased just to hear the sound of their voice, I welcome it. I’m in tune for it. I know how they speak to , with and at me. I believe God speaks to us first through the gain of understanding of His person through His word. I begin to trust in Him at His word, and know His ways through His word, THEN I begin to hear Him on a more personal level. Someone in our Cell mtg said the other night that if we start a new relationship, one of respect and honor, like say a job, which would be a boss- employee relationship, we start at the ground level, with minimal conversation on a personal level. As we build the respect of one another and gain trust then we can move to another level of relationship. If we breech that 1st level we may never get to the 2nd level. Relationships are built and every relationship needs a good strong foundation. If by chance yours was not built well it is never too late to go back and repair breeches or build new foundations, tear down old walls or whatever applies, even with God. I’ve found in my own walk with the Lord, that some of my relationship with Him was trying to be built upon false pretenses or misconceptions of Him, which were great hindrances to our communication. One such misconception was that He’d leave me someday, just as my own father had chosen to do. I wouldn’t pray this or say this to God, but later on He showed me through teachings that this is what motivated the kind of communication I was having at Him and also it hindered me from wanting to get close enough to Him to really hear Him personally. He was able to repair the false accusation against Him that I’d conjured up from my own past natural blood experiences and we were able to at least head towards the nest level of relational communication. My communication was very casual with Him, on purpose, subconscious purpose. Inside of me I had a lie that caused me to believe He did not really love me, why did we not call Him Father? My father, said he loved me, but was not able to demonstrate it as God would have. That was the link for me. I had a revelation that my father here was a natural man as I am also a natural woman, who makes mistakes and lives dealing with hurts from the past that shape relationships. I forgave him his weaknesses and then asked God to forgive me for my misconceptions of Him as THE Father. Offenses with God are great hindrances to hearing His voice. If through misconception we are casual with Him, or we rail at Him, question His every move, doubt His works etc, why would he speak with us?
Once we hear the sound of our Father’s voice, nothing can stand in the way – not rocks, not water, not wind, etc. His voice is the most powerful force in the universe. It/He created the world, he created us with the sound of His voice! We have to get to the place where we trust it, welcome it, believe it, desire it, and speak it in the earth. Don’t let anything hold you back.