Friday, March 04, 2005

Lena's Comments on 3-4-05

What Message? "There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to Me". What if some don’t know they’ve sinned, or need forgiveness? Tell them the gospel message. God made you, you sinned against Him, and Sin had a grave penalty for you to pay its price. He led people to bring you to salvation. Jesus chose to come, volunteered to pay your penalty, died for you, and forgave your debt. We in turn give Him back our lives as a small token, for rescuing us from the penalty of death to the blessing of life. How does one live this new way? By receiving the empowerment of God’s Holy Spirit who took Jesus’ place in the earth, where Jesus showed us and led us, now the Holy Spirit does. We need a God breathed leader to follow. Where are we following Him? Towards rescuing other people, How? By telling them this gospel message and showing them the way by being that renewed person God had created us in Christ to BE.
How would God free Israel (the religious thinking church?) by the power and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
What did it take for the power of God’s Spirit to initially be released in the earth? The power of unity, there are the same things, Unity and God’s Spirit are the same thing, they are ONE with one another. When there is unity God’s Spirit and power show yup, there is a release. Why do you think our enemy, God’s enemy wants us to be continually id disagreement, strife, of a different opinion? Because there is NO power or empowerment in our lives without God’s Spirit in us. NONE, we are on our own, powerless and able to go NO WHERE in our faith or anything else. When a person truly gets this concept, they will be looking for ways to unify where God has placed them. They will lay down opinions and differences for the good news of the gospel sake.
Notice that the empowerment of God’s Spirit caused even the unbelievers to hear the same language, meaning the same unified words being spoken. It was not confusion like Babel was, where everyone was speaking their own opinion of whatever God was saying and whatever they thought He might be doing. It was complete and powerful unity and very very clear. The enemy likes confusion and wants to confuse us. We have got to take our stand for our faith and the gospel message to be a powerful tool of witness in our hands. Our message is not our own message, it is the one He’s entrusted to us – Unity is its demonstration.