Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Lena's Comments 3-2-05 Bless YOU !!!

Mt 16:13 It is evident that there was talk, as there always is. It is also evident that the talk involved the disciples. I wonder how they answered those who had opinions of Jesus. How do we answer those who have opinions of Jesus? He IS the Son of the Living God! Once we get that enough to be able to say it to others, because we know it so strongly for ourselves we will be able to be built upon. If we are unsure of who he is we will also be unsure of who we are. God’s goal for us is to know who He is! He so desires to build on us. When He can build on us His church will be strong in the earth. Now remember, we ARE the church.
Luke 11:9-13 Can we trust God to give us what we need in earth to fulfill His purposes? Can we trust God at all? How much more….God is NOT like any men or women you know who fail or disappoint or hurt or cause harm, or let you down, That’s right!
14-22 The church world has not desired to be truly empowered by God’s Spirit. It has desired to rule itself as some sort of monarchy. If we who are the church, in this day and age, can see the plight of our enemy against us, we will be victorious. Actually God will be victorious through us. The empowerment of the Holy Spirit of God is that we would be witnesses. The church has made us think that that is demon possession, and has closed the mouth of our witness up ! if we give in to this and do not violently stand up and take this empowerment from God, we are also God’s enemies. Period. See vs 23. POST vs 23 around your home, remind yourself daily of vs 23, and this will motivate us to be God’s friend, receiving what he has to cause us to be the difference in the earth.
Luke 17 : 20-21 I bring it in me personally! It comes and appears in me 1st, when it is in me, it will emanate out of me-period. I won’t have to make it happen, it will just happen.
Luke 19:11-27 This section fires me up. The kingdom appears just like a building appears, from the foundation up, step by step. The multiplication is the bricks that are built upon the foundation of the word, the multiplication is the response of the word in me. I hear and I understand ( am fruitful) so I do, THEN the kingdom appears, as I give it to others, when others receive it, and embrace it, the kingdom is spreading (filling) in the earth. God is so awesome. Sees everything so clearly and tells us about it way ahead of time. He laid this all out in Genesis ch 1. The two that increased their talents were multipliers, the one was actually a subtractor and in subtracting he became a divider when compared to the corporate call. Hiding the word and keeping the word in a secret unrevealed place all to ourselves is subtracting. These equations are NOT a part of God’s kingdom. He is a God of multiplication, period. Not even addition, definitely NOT subtraction and division. If there is no multiplication there are the others present and at work against God’s design and plan.