Day 30
Point: I was shaped for serving God.
Question: In what way can I see myself passionately serving others and loving it?
So funny, My husband just looked up the word- PassionAn intense drive or conviction towards soemthing or someone, giving my devotion to with all of my heart, a very strong love and desire towards....The question I ask myself about serving God is, What is it He would like and how can I be a part of fulfilling that desire He is passionate about?I've found 2 things- He wants my love and He loves others too and wants me to love them towards loving Him. Kind of like showing them how much He loves them, so they too will want to love Him.I remind myself of this by writing little notes- one liners. Like: Love God ~ Love PeopleThis sums up my focused motivation for life and living it as it pleases Him. Why would I go to hear the word regularly at church services where other believers are whom I can interact with and maybe rub shoulders with ? (sometimes rough shoulders)Love. Why would I be a Multiplication Cell Leader, when I invite and ask people to come all of the time and they make excuses, and even tell me fibs, or shun me, or maybe something I say when they do come they get rubbed wrong? Or maybe they have problems and their need for love is very big and it takes extra time than what I was "planning for", or their problems offend me or others and cause us some growing pains? What if they take from me a lot and never hardly ever seem to give back, because maybe they can't. What if they love me, then for some reason leave our fellowship or get hurt and die or whatever? Why would I do that? Participate in that, open up myself to that ridicule, or offense, or misunderstanding or hurt? Why? Because of my passionate love for God, who infuses me and enables me with love for who He loves. It is a kind of love that will never be quenched in its desire to please and serve. He feels that way about people, about me, about you, and I'm getting it, seeing a glimpse of it, enough to motivate me to go on and hit a mark and make a goal and run. Enough that the zeal that leads me consumes me. If I feel it wane I also take the initiative to renew that vision in me to go for it, get renewed in it again. Light the fire again. I know what the fire is, I may need to participate more or get it defined for me further so I can run.I may go to a few nights or a day of an upcoming conference on the Vision of our house to light some more fire under me. I've just been healed in a big mental way and I sense I'm again ready to dive in. Souls are being waighed in the balance and way too many people don't know of Our Father's love!