Thank GOD that Jesus chose to be faithful, FULL of faith in God, enough to be obedient to God, to let God’s will be done in earth as it was already being done in heaven! Thank God a man chose God’s way, and would go all the way in doing it, even when given the freedom to choose to be a vessel. He chose God, He chose us. Now we have the same freedom to choose God & others, and are counted worthy to do so by the decisions we make for Christ, as we choose to lay our own lives down for His desires, His will. Multiplication comes when I chose. Jesus opened a door no man could shut here in the earth. We can also open doors of blessing for ourselves and others by choice. 7 = complete. Horns are strength/power. Eyes are vision/revelation. He having complete vision and power was able to make the decision for God’s way. In making the decision He had complete revelation and power.
24 is 2 sets of 12., 12 is God’s government, 2 is harmonious unity and agreement. Can you imagine complete unity of God’s Government on earth? That’s what happens when men and women agree with God’s words and do them. His government is established in them 1st and able to be passed on to others! Who, shall I send? How will the message be sent, now that Jesus is seated? Through those like Him who lay it down and take the message and the urgency of it up. When/if we are able to believe and live like that, we have acknowledged in our own lives the cross of Christ as valid and all powerful.