Yesterday’s word sparked this in me, yet I forgot to note it and here it is again today. Zerub-baal was the name given Gideon by his old father (satan father of the world), his idol worshiping father, the one Gideon was forsaking to cleave to Christ’s Love and Rule. The father saw something new in Gideon. He didn’t say, "Oh look he’s such a nice guy now, he’s practically perfect in attitude and attire". NO, he said, about Gideon ( the new man in Christ), " You are one who will not allow false worship in your life and you are wiling to remove it’s source, that others may see the truth". "You are wiling to suffer the consequences that may come from making a stand, if the world is not happy with you, if the god of the world is not happy with you. You realize your GOD is great enough to contend with Baal through you. You trust in your God and the abilities He has given you".
Gideon is engaging himself in purposeful battle against what keeps the church in darkness, against the enemy who steals, kills and destroys the person’s personal faith in God Most High. Gideon is learning to turn his fear around to faith in God, rather than continuing on the pathway of the kind of faith (fear) he’d always walked in being on the enemy’s side. Fear is faith in what is wrong, in what is not of God Most High.
Ever feel that the enemy is numerous, is all around, everywhere we turn? Well he is. God wanted Gideon’s focus and perspective to change. I was just thinking of how the enemy manifests before us in our seen realm in what appears to be a powerful looking force. Yet we all know there are more unseen good forces than there are bad. The enemy wants to be seen. God can work in the seen realm from the unseen. This is what He was showing Gideon and us. Our enemy wants to magnify himself in our seen realm. He has always desired to magnify himself above God, above our faith, above what we could and should trust in. God was calling Gideon and us beyond this realm of thought and action. God wants to be magnified and if we can tap in with faith and see how magnificant He truly is, we’ll have no problem going out against God’s enemy and magnifying the Lord anyway.
Gideon was willing to say- "Follow Me." Gideon was willing to BE God’s Daily Bread. This army did not stop at what they thought was a victory, they were determined to make sure any trace of any enemy was gone from even a threat to the camp. ( this cutting off of the heads symbolizes taking their very voices of threatening away, taking their strategies against us away). IF we know who we are in Christ - without question, we too have beheaded our enemies. Enemies always question who we are- always! Oreb & Zeeb together mean "ravenous wolf" !!!! Let that speak for itself.