Moses = He who was drawn out (I’m thinking of how we have been drawn out of darkness into light) and Joshua = Jehovah is Salvation, Nun= Fish!, Jordan= giving up one's own desires plans and goals for the Kingdom’s sake, true humility.)
OK, so say whatever even brought us to Christ, drew us to salvation, is now done, overwith. Like my circumstances of neglect, and the sufferings of lack drew me to the place where I was looking for an answer in life, something real, so real I could stand on it and not be shaken as I feel I had been shaken already. Yes, that drew me to salvation, but that’s not what holds me to my salvation or keeps me walking it out. That only led me there. God and His purposes keep me there. Jehovah means – The LORD HE IS GOD!!!. See whenever I don’t trust Him, and I rely on my own way of thinking and I reason it all out in my head, making my own plans that I somehow think will work out in a sure way, Jehovah is not God, I am. When I stand in that place of god (it’s little "g" because even though I act like I come before Him, there’s no one before Him), I have taken over His place in my life and I am acting as my own savior, which is an impossible action on my part. I cannot save me. Only God can. Jehovah God.
And now that He has saved me and I have surrendered to this great salvation, I also must submit myself to its work in me, which is a walk, a process, a lifelong one that I have joined in covenant relationship with God in. When I received Christ I committed my whole life to Him, and He has plans for this walk we are on together. It could take me years and years to even think about any plans He has, because I’ve been so busy loving being free from darkness and sensing His love, that I did not think to even ask, what did You save me for, if not for my comfort and care? I do get comforted and cared for, but there’s something a whole lot bigger than that for me in this newness of life. What is it?
It is FISH and LAND.
The LORD commanded Joshua to lead others in the same places He had and was going to lead Joshua. This is salvation. Not being drawn out, but being led and leading. Moses is dead, now there’s a promised "Land" to "take", "Seas" to "take", "Peoples" to "take". "Take" from an enemy and give over to God. God says He will do it with us, but He requires that we do and be it. If we don’t, He won’t, and we will find our comfort and care levels in life will wane a bit from where it is we started in our salvation call, we will find ourselves wondering about even keeping our faith or the true reception of our salvation. We were born again for a purpose, if that purpose is not being fulfilled, we will be miserable, even in our salvation, because the call is so strong, and our refusal to heed it is as sin and disobedience and we suffer the consequences of such. Duet 28 – you will be blessed IF you GO into the Fields, IF you GO into the Cities, IF you GO into the Country…..Blessed in what we do, not in our own conversion. Our true conversion will bear fruit and reproduce Him. That is the evidence of a covenant relationship, when we reproduce like kind. No reproduction, No active covenant relationship.
"But I’m afraid". That is darkness and we have been brought OUT of that. God said here, when we go, HE will be with us. Do NOT fear. Take the land. If God tells us what to do, He will watch over us when we do it. Yes our pride may have to go to Jordan, but that’s ok, that is a temporal perishing of the soul rather than a spiritual perishing of the person. If we seek to save our lives we’ll lose it, If we seek to lose it, we’ll find it and many more lives for His kingdom!