It really takes a revelation to obey God and His word. It seems American Humanness is far too independent (meaning not- dependant on anyone for anything) for that one. Yet if we as new creatures in Christ cannot and above all will- not obey God and his word, who’s are we? We are our own persons and our own Lords and we live under curses not blessings. We don’t especially like commands, laws, regulations. The thing is we don’t know God, His are NOT like men’s are, and we have had many experiences with man enforcing laws upon us for their own good, or to exalt them, so we see god this way. God is NOT like men!
There is a scripture that says the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. That means any attribute of God’s kingdom that might be developed in me due to obedient and deliberate acts of faith, will suffer the probability of being taken away from me, stolen. If it is stolen from me then I won’t have it, if I don’t have it, I’m not blessed and neither is God. (remember satan hates anything or anyone who resembles God). BUT, if I see and know this inside of the deepest part of my being, then I will not allow the thief to steal from me OR from GOD. So I become purposely aware of this war tactic and I quickly get on God’s side of this active deliberate warfare.
Let’s give an example: You hear the Word nudging you to do something. God’s spirit is requiring to you to be blessed in what you do, rather than be cursed in what you have done regularly before. Rather than heeding the call of God’s spirit in you to obey, you just make some sort of excuse, trying to excuse yourself from its effects on you. It was just a suggestion we all say, I am a free-willed being and American Independent, God caused me to be born here and so I can just do what I want when I want. If I need God He’ll be there for me and I’ll be blessed.
So I could entertain the voice of my old ungodly ways or I could follow after the new voice in my life I’ve not yet practiced heeding, and obey anyway. IF we recognize this, which we need to by the way, then we will become alerted to the thief and liar’s voice and slam the door in his face. (I.e. Violence). If our old ways say, don’t trust anyone- shut the door and deliberately trust God by trusting Him to use someone in your life you can trust (that’s violence).Other examples would be, assembling regularly under the word, being done with old harmful habits or things that make you look more like you serve the world than God, Tithing, walking in the fruits of God’s Spirit, and the list is really endless. A good example of a deliberate action of faith to combat the evil forces and taking back what belongs to me and to God’s kingdom, id to study and walk in the 9 manifestations of God’s Spirit living in me, the 9 fruits. So if I an unkind, and now I know a fruit of Christ’s love in me is kindness, begin by praying and asking His spirit for help to see unkindness as it begins to rise up in you and want to come out of you. It may take a few times and of course continual targeted prayer, but you will see it coming. To take it by force ask God to show you a deliberate action to take in eliminating its power to use you! Just simply and deliberately be kind instead. Do something out of God’s kind heart that really does live in you. That’s the violent taking of God’s kingdom.
How is any of this possible? By doing what is written in the rest of this chapter. Being regularly saturated with God’s word, in any way you can, in all ways you can. Also helping do so for others, especially your natural and spiritual children. What is "taking the land?" It is taking back what belongs to God. That is people’s lives and hearts. It begins with us, is our heart given over to God? Do we willingly change whom we have been for whom He wants to make us? That is taking the land! Piece by piece. When we teach this to our children we are taking the land piece by piece. When we get involved in the lives of others and help them see more than they ever saw about God, we are taking His land back piece by piece on purpose with deliberate force! Amen.