Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lena Journals to Proverbs 5 Today

Yesterday we went through some verbs of the proverb we were reading.
Today I was thinking of the actual word “proverb”, what does it mean? Pro - verb.
One definition says, a “word to do, to put action to”! Another definition, says, “in order to rule”, and another says, “wise words compiled for another, through experience”.
We know All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 2 Tim 3:16
All scripture is for doing.
Proverbs are wisdom words for doing. God gave us a wise man who had experience and wrote His words down for us to not have to experience them as he did.
If we are willing to just listen and do them instead.
I believe whenever we go to church services, it is like going to a class we’ve paid money to take. We want to get the most out of the class that we can and take from it things to help change us and make us different than when we came to the class. We could go to church to rest from all of life’s personal learning experiences, or just to rest, as we sit under inspiring words that make us feel a wonderful peace inside. That is what truly should be happening as we sit under an atmosphere of worship and praise and the preaching/teaching of God’s word. Yet we must be careful of what that can try to do to us. If we do get caught up in that awe-inspiring feeling going to church gives us and it is like a tranquilizer, and just sort of an inoculation for us, for us for the rest of our week, we may be deceived and not have happen what church is meant to make happen in us; and that is, to make us disciples of God’s word and workers in His kingdom.
Do you know church going isn’t really for us? Yet it does so benefit us! Church going is learning to implement His kingdom rule and establishment. It is so God gets what is due Him, a people who assemble willingly as students of the word and diligent seekers of his will. It is where a people come to learn to do what God wants done, in the earth!
Many had been taught in the past, that church was a place of motivation and inspiration, a place where we feel the blessing of God over the possible pain we experience all the rest of the week. It is actually easy to do this week in and week out, until we die and go to the eternal place of bliss.
If we live like that, one day we will stand before our Father who will ask us what we did after we learned that Jesus was the Savior of the world, who did we save, who did we do what Jesus did to while He was here on earth? Did we heal or restore anyone, or lead them to be baptized or filled with the Holy Spirit? Did we make disciples of all nations? Did we allow the supernatural power of God to flow through us? Did we learn the ways of the Lord to show and lead others that same way? Did we lay our lives down for others and change in character? Did our faith get bigger, because we implemented what God gave us in His word to cause it to grow? Did we go into intercession for others, and for nations? Did we stop what we wanted in life to give God what He wants?
These wisdom words are given us today for that.
Pay attention, listen carefully, learn to be discreet and store up knowledge (not more worldly ways and worldly knowledge, but the knowledge of the fear of the Lord!)
Ok, remember “woman” in the Bible many a time represents what?
It represents the church, the bride of Christ, the one we can become for Jesus, the one He becomes One with intimate with, for He gave His life for her. It is one who prepares herself to be His. It can also speak of the person of God who is the Holy Spirit.
So stay away from the lips of an immoral woman.
How about stay away from what is trying to join you to become one with it that has nothing to do with the establishment or continuance of God’s kingdom being born and raised up in your life?
Lips are the part that is speaking. What is telling you to do what? What is speaking in your ear, telling you not to do God’s will or walk wholeheartedly in His ways? What is enticing you to stay away from church or Bible Studies and do something else with it instead? What is calling you away from what is important to tell you it is more important?
In life, one must learn to wear eternal spectacles and look through the eyes of eternity, to see how God does, where all we do here has to do with His will and standing accountable for establishing His plan.
If I regularly choose to watch sports on TV rather than be a part of the Body of Christ and whatever activity they are assembling to do, what am I saying to God about His kingdom?
If I work like a dog for money and when it comes time to go to God’s house, I’m way too tired, and of all things that I choose to do to rest, assembling with His body is not one of them, what have I told His spirit about my commitment to His ways and my dedication to the kingdom establishment in my own life?
I do what I deem is important in this life and in the life to come.
Everything we do here is being accounted to there.
Everything, even every word we speak.
One comes to us with the purpose to take people out of the hands and heart of God now that they will stand ashamed before Him later. That one will tell us God understands, He’s ok with us resting, we need rest, He knows. He understands if we don’t dedicate our lives here now, we’ll have eternity to do that.
Be aware it is lying to us. Satan has assigned her to lie to the bride of Christ. He hates God’s bride and his mission is to have her listen to everything but God’s voice.
One must have eternal specs on to see this, or else it will just slip by and later, when it is revealed, everyone who did not purpose to see that way, by studying and living truth, will be sad.
In eternity all will have already been established by what we’ve done here. Here is our challenge, here is where we give proof. In eternity there is nothing to prove, it has all been proven here.
What is important is what we do, here.
Remember wisdom words to us here reveals, she (the liar) does not care about the pathway of life. Why would she study it or want us to?
Rebellion must be seized on the inside of each heart. It is the heart that must see that and do it. No one else can for it. One chooses life and the pathway of it. One chooses to want to hear and heed instruction. One must choose. It does not mean it will be fun or nice, it means it is hard, but I choose it anyway. I wear kingdom and eternal glasses and I choose to keep them on and see this way. I see further than the moment of pleasure, or of rest and recreation. I see how the end will be, if I choose this today.
What/who feeds you, gives you nourishment to get thorough your week? Self help books? Yoga, music to soothe your soul? Who do you listen to with intent of change? Motivational and inspirational speakers? Or the word of God, which is able to save your soul?
Who’s well do you drink from and offer your cup up to? Truly think about it.
Do you follow a compilation of your own life’s experiences and live by them, or do you force yourself to put on God specs and look through the eyes of faith and truth at God’s word no matter what sense it makes to you; and if it is not how you think or does not match what you presently do, do you turn off of the road you are on, and pursue Him, on His road?
Do you do a little God, and a little world? Listen to a little God and do a lot of world?
Who can go deep within your mind and heart, and speak to you about who you really are? Who do you love, by giving the majority of your time, energy and thought to?
Worry? Work? Addictions? TV? Friends? Therapy? Or God’s word?
If we intermingle it or give what intimately belongs to God to others…..
That is spiritual adultery.
Do you know every human by right, belongs to God?
Do you know we truly own nothing, we’re only using it, because God lets us?
21For the LORD sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes
We absolutely cannot say one thing and do another. God knows all, even the depths of our hearts.