Friday, June 29, 2007

Lena Journals to Proverbs 16 Today *******

It is dangerous when one is left to his own thoughts, opinions, ways, etc. A child left to himself brings his mother to shame (think of mother as church and child as child of God, a supposed to be disciple!)
It is oh so good for one to make himself accountable because he has found safety in it and loves what is right, hating what is wrong in his own life and keeping his soul, which he knows belongs to God, holy!
We must expose our hearts willingly to God and ask Him to search us (Ps139) to see if there are any wicked ways working in a dark hidden part. (Ps 51).
It is us alone who can surrender to the help of the Holy Spirit to expose and deal with what we cannot see. This is another God reason for being a part of the body of Christ and fellowshipping closely with others. The closer we allow godly people to get, the purer our lives become. We have to change. This is why people with no spouse change a little if they at least submit to a body of believers and co-workers and other family members. People with no children, may change only a bit, people with a spouse, more than one child, or are in a family of more than one, or if they have more opportunity to work together regularly with groups of people, are more apt to be changed sooner than those who stay to themselves. These exposures to others is God’s way of helping us to not stay as we are, set in our ways, left alone.
Commitment is very, very hard. After one commits, he wants to quit! Always. There will always be that opportunity to pull out. One who is truly committed does not pull out, he stays pretty much no matter what. (barring abuses) That takes a lifetime of bumps and successes. It never ends.
I heard a person recently speak out of being tired of the “requirements” of this walk of the spirit. They stated what more does God want, what more do I have to do, I’ve already accomplished so much and have gone so far with changes made in my life.
We must remember, God is eternal and change for us will happen for eternity. Every time He moves, even the eternal angels say – Holy, Holy, Holy….They know Him in a far more intimate manner than we do yet, and they stand amazed bowing low to His every move in the forever realm. Every time we learn something that He is, or learn how to change in an area, there are more areas to learn of change in. This an eternal walk. We should be looking to change more and more and more and more, and go from one glory to another glory each and every minute, of everyday. There should be such joy in becoming as He is, no drudgery or judgment in the need for change. Change is the conformity to His very image and likeness. This will never ever end! If I’ve taken one step or 1000, there is still a journey of knowing Him and making Him known - ahead.
Life should be about the embrace of change.
Ok, thank you Lord for showing me that area, now what?
What can I do now to know You more, and how may I make You known more?
Do you ever find yourself on the edge where honesty in business is concerned? The whole taxing deal and avoiding it at every chance is a great temptation for us.
We were just in another country, and there were signs that said “Duty Free”. I had no idea what that meant. I was trying to figure it out. “Duty Free?” Hummm? I picked up a few tourist brochures and found it was about what we call “taxes” here. The sign was saying that customers could make tax free purchases, at so many per day with certain stipulations…Anyway, when I saw that the “duty” was what we call “tax”, it caused me to see taxes differently. I liked how it was stated a “Duty”. I realize there is misuse and mismanagements with tax money and governments, etc, but Jesus knew this also. He was in a day of corrupt governments, as we also are. He believed in His Father in the midst of situations not always so favorable to the community. God is, How great? Great enough to help us inside of our cultural requirements? Yes!
I’ve noticed how it is set up for us many times throughout each week to be able to skirt around the tax or duty issue and how it is and would be so easy to just let certain things go, etc. When a person chooses to trust God and chooses holiness, what is he choosing? To be a witness, that’s what. That I’m in the world, but not of it. That the world may make requirements on my “duties” to it, but God is greater. I’d heard of 60% taxes in other places, that’s a lot, BUT GOD IS Greater! Really, He is big enough to pay that percentage of tax also, if I trust Him , obey Him, and represent Him well.
I like having a “duty” in my community, a type of ownership, participation in what is going on. It sort of makes me a “landowner” and that causes me to have a say in prayer at least!
God is greater and when I pay my “dues”, do my “duty” in my community, it shows I trust God more than men and I believe Him within my circumstances. I refuse to be as the heathen are with No God. I want my God to be proven through my life. The world needs to see people faith walking a faith walk in what is “required as an earth citizen, as well as a kingdom of God citizen. If a man will honor other men, even incorrect men, God will honor Him. God will provide what he needs. Choose holiness and honesty and trust of the Lord today. Do your “duty” to God by serving willingly your government. Talk about establishing the “right” to speak. God will listen to ones who trust Him on behalf of their land!

The fruits of the spirit, such as patience, and self control are the evidences that He lives today, and He is now alive in me! It is evidence of submissive change and of image and likeness treatments! I begin to look like Him when I act as He does. In order to see all of this fruit, one has submitted to change.
Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control are who He is and how He looks. Does He appear in your life this way today?