Sunday, June 24, 2007

Lena Journals to Hebrews 13 Today

Christian love is described in the Greek as affectionate, brotherly, family type love. A love that is considerate as with an endearing friend.
Hospitality is the means to demonstrate this love.
In entertaining strangers, one opens up his doors to allow people to see their lives from an intimate view. This is the exemplification of a genuine faith, the faith that is demonstrated in the home of those who call themselves believers.
If a messenger of God, maybe in the form of an angel, shows up to do a check in on us, do we think they’d come to us and watch us sit in church and see how we act there, or rather come when we are really real with all of our guards and masks down, at home?
In our home for the past 18 years we’ve been members at our local church, many of the families participate in giving $ at our dinner table into a basket so that at the end of the month we can all join in unity as we bring what we’ve collected and take it to church and place it in an offering for the church to send to the various Missions we as a corporate church body support. The purpose of doing it daily at home is to remember these we support daily and not only write them a check one time per month, but to take it a step further, and give them our thoughts and words in prayer before we eat together.
This scripture about feeling the pains of others sufferings or remembering those imprisoned, causes me to think of this action. It is a way to mark a time each day with the family to implement this type of consideration. Come across a scripture that tells us to do so, but here?
It’s like tying a string on the finger. It’s good to remind ourselves of these prayer focuses the word tells us to implement in our Monday-Saturday lives.
Regard for people sits well with God. He desires that men, even undeserving ones, (yes I did say that) are given honor. To acknowledge longevity in a marriage covenant and to encourage those who stay and do righteously should not be overlooked. We have a whole society who complain about what is wrong, but how many encourage those who are choosing what God has chosen?
How much do we trust God? Enough to give money away? To work for Him and His kingdom, rather than the almighty dollar? Working for His kingdom while we make a living to provide for what belongs to Him, our families?
So, what are we working for and on?
His kingdom must be first in all we do, if we are diligently seeking Him. He will add whatever it is we need and even the things we want, if we are after His will first. This is a true sign of Love, trusting Him in our finances.
How much do we tell those who teach us from the words of life, that we appreciate them?
Let me give a hint, the way to “tell” them is to live by what they’ve taught us!
The proof is in the pudding.
If in a training course, how would the instructor know to grade you or know if you listened and got it?
We are in Bible studies which should be called eternal life now studies. We tell out teachers we appreciate their lives given and their time, by what we do with what they’ve said to us.
What we do now has everything to do with where we are going and what will happen for and with us later on in the unseen world.
We have to know this and live our daily life in this light.
And now, may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, all that is pleasing to him. Jesus is the great Shepherd of the sheep by an everlasting covenant, signed with his blood. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen.
I urge you, dear brothers and sisters, F62 please listen carefully to what I have said in this brief letter.
May God's grace be with you all. !!!!! Amen