Saturday, May 19, 2007

Testing for Joshua 12 Commentary Today

I’m gonna remind you (us) today of who has been defeated for us in Christ. That does not mean we do not war, it means we go forth in obedience to God, as Joshua (Jesus) did, and we win the land for Our Father, who set us here to take this land willingly as a part of the fulfillment of His Divinely inspired plan.
What we do not war against is other people. Our war is the same war of the heavens, the war of Light vs darkness, spiritual darkness, the war between death and life, spiritual life or death being swallowed up in life, and we war against angelic beings.
How does any human wage and win at a war such as this? Obedience, is the battle weapon! Love is the battle weapon! Servitude is the battle weapon. God is the victor, if we participate with His plans we also win with Him, for we are made one in love and obedience and servitude. When we are one, what’s His is mine, what’s mine is His.
There are many who have and do not know what is theirs, what really belongs to them. In God’s word He is telling us what belongs to those who are His kingdom citizens, and yes, the point is an enemy may have fooled us, lied to us, or taken our inheritances from us. The question is, will we allow it to remain taken, stolen, or a lie?
It is time for our victory in Christ to be known and shown by those who are willing to fight with principalities and powers and might’s and dominions and names?.
1 Cor 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
Let’s review some of the enemies of God’s kingdom establishment in our lives. We ARE Well able to go up and take this country, this nation, and these kings, ALL 31 of them!
Every name in the Bible, and every number, is significant. In Biblical numbers we break it down for meaning, 31 is 30 + 1, or 3- 10’s and 1. 3 is Trinity, God as Father, Son, and Spirit, 10 is tithe, representative of ALL, and 1 is GOD and man unified, in spirit eternal life of vision and purpose.
Hittites means - fear- terror, brokenness, as in able to be hurt, Amorites - holding to one’s own opinions – high minded of self – boaster of own thoughts being highest thoughts in one’s own life, Canaanites - materialism- making the trade off for goods, rather than God 1st, people second – the interest has not been translated into the eternal yet – earthly minded, Perizzites - I’m my own person – I rule myself fine, don’t need input or accountability, I protect myself, unwalled city, unprotected by God and God’s helpers Hivites - breathing only of the natural man , 1st created man breath, Adam/Eve life, not yet made spiritually alive unto God through Christ Jesus and the embrace of the newness of life He sacrificed for, Jebusite s- (rejected, depressed, trodden down in life.
I encourage you to go to and type within the Passage Display search window “Joshua 12”, then in the scroll down box before the “search” button, that says, “using:” scroll to KJV with Strong’s Numbers”, then click “search.

Passage Display

in: using:

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After that you’ll see the passage with numbers after certain words, such as ”kings” <04428>: click on that number and a new window will open on your computer screen that tells you what “kings” means in the original Hebrew text.
12:1 -
Now these are the kings <04428> of the land, <0776> which the children <01121> of Israel <03478> smote <05221> (8689), and possessed <03423> (8799) their land <0776> on the other side <05676> Jordan <03383> toward the rising <04217> of the sun, <08121> from the river <05158> Arnon <0769> unto mount <02022> Hermon, <02768> and all the plain <06160> on the east: <04217>
Like this :
Strong's Number: 04427 jlm
Original Word Word Origin
jlm a primitive root
Transliterated Word Phonetic Spelling
Malak maw-lak'

Parts of Speech TWOT
Verb 1199,1200
1. to be or become king or queen, reign
a. (Qal) to be or become king or queen, reign
b. (Hiphil) to make one king or queen, cause to reign
c. (Hophal) to be made king or queen
2. to counsel, advise
a. (Niphal) to consider
Read the passage again and click on numbers that sit after the specified words and find out some of the names other kings Jesus has given us the power to defeat are.
Jericho means moon, Ai means sin etc., etc. The Lord will begin to speak to you about the enemies in your own life to conquer through the strength of Christ. You’ll taste how Good God is to us and it will stir up a desire within to read and study more.
In John 8:31 Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him,
"If you continue to obey my teaching, you are truly my followers.
32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
Those who read AND study the word of god as if to search for treasure, are disciples of Jesus.
Are you yet a disciple?