Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Lena Journa;s to Joshua 8 Today

That king that defeated some of Joshua’s group of warriors is this very king God is now saying to Joshua, go again, this time with My power, might and ability. You WILL defeat them this time!
What makes the difference? Think about it, they went to fight, because it seemed the good thing to do, it seemed the next step to take after Jericho’s walls came tumbling down, right? What seems right to a man, may end up in death if he does not realize he is on a co-mission with God.
Our lives are God’s mission, not ours. God knows the timing that an enemy can best be taken, also for us to work together, takes a surrender on our parts, to the way He wants to do it and when. There are a lot of good things one can do in life and even for God, but they may not be within the perfect will of God! They may seem to be like other plans He’s had and made, but what is the biggest part of the deal is we do not just go to Him one time and seek the victory, relationship keeps us consulting His ways, always. The point of the whole deal is, did we talk about it before we made the approach? If we do we’ll surely win when we go up. Repentance to restoration of communication and relationship is the key to victory.
How did Joshua know how to attack? How did he know the strategy? God is up above all, and sees and knows what we do not see and know. If we ask, He’ll give us the bird’s eye view picture of any given situation in it’s time. It may be if we do not hear to attack, we are to wait.
They that wait on (serve) the Lord (inside of active relationship) shall mount up with wings as eagles, they’ll run and not grow weary (of well doing), they’ll walk (in a right relationship based on faith) and not faint (quit while still on the way to the destination).
If you have a struggle, do you want mere relief from the struggle, or do you want the root issue dealt with so there is no longer any struggle? Most of us behave like we are fine with just a little relief for a time. God told Joshua to totally rid their area of their enemies. That was probably not the easiest thing to accomplish nor the prettiest sight to see or be a participant of, But it was very necessary for the plan of God to go on. The problems we have now are the same. God is not happy with mere pain relief, for in that we are still unable to function as kingdom ambassadors and representatives of Him. He is still in the enemy annihilation business and wonders if any men are interested in taking the land back!
So what then is “the land”? What does God want to possess? The earth? Yes, and WHO is made of “earth” or dirt? People. God wants to possess people? Well, He desires to be made one with us, to dwell in us and be our all in all, but He won’t do that unless we also want Him to.
Guess what? There is another who wants the same thing and all of our lives here on earth is about this battle with who inhabits who, by the freewill choice of who. Now if one does not choose who it is already chosen for him, for in not choosing, one chooses, to be inhabited by evil. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily demon possessed, but they are quite possibly enslaved, held captive, and a prisoner of a “landowner”.
So number 1 land to take back is that of our own person. If we have not yet decided, we ought to decide, and if we think the present “landlord” will give up the place he thought was his easily, twe may very well be decieved. This is no joke, not at all, it is a matter of death and life, eternal death and eternal life. Making God the “landlord” by freewill choice, may be a bit of a fight, with God all things are made possible and we can go up and take the “city”!
Next area to possess “the land” in is that of your own household. To win your family over to choosing by the acts of their freewill’s to give their own lives willingly to the “landlordship“ of Christ Jesus. It could take a bit of fighting principalities and powers who have been allowed for years and generations, but nothing, yes I did say nothing, is too difficult for God, the question is – “are you willing to fight the enemy of another’s soul, fight the buzzards of eternal death off of family members till you see them freed from their captivity?” Why else are we here? This fulfills the very Divine purposes of God and the whole reason Christ came to earth as a man.
Next areas to possess are all of the places you have any influence at all.
Do you know the most introverted persons have an influence upon 10,000 people in an average lifetime?
That’s astounding, isn’t it? How many people (lands, dirt, earth vessels) can an extroverted individual influence?
God has co-missioned each human since the beginning of mankind, to take “land” for His kingdom.
There is a Genesis mandate each of has yet to have faith for and engage ourselves in the pursuit of fulfilling.
Be fruitful (reproduce like kind, Christ kind, don’t just live your Christianity between you and God)
Multiply (God’s spirit life in others you are around)
Fill (the places of your current influence with the atmosphere of heaven)
Subdue (this does not mean lord over and dictate to people, it means fight their spiritual enemies so they can be freed and have a new desire to take on the responsibility of freedom for themselves, for their own households and for the world around them and wherever else they go)
Rule (maintain and disciple that which you have been responsible to “take back” for God!)
Have dominion (this does not mean dominate the freewills, for God Himself does not dominate freewills, yet there will be a standard of rule set to be upheld, even if the wills do not yet desire it on their own, the head of the “tribe” must keep it lifted up so all can see and someday possess that responsibility on their own choice. The best way to raise the standard is to live it and exemplify it, then teach it, and best teaching is by example, yet words are necessary to tell the how to do’s, then help others learn to do it also.)
In the NT Jesus repeated this mandate of His Father after He sent the Holy Spirit He made it possible for each man to be a carrier of God’s very indwelling presence. He made it possible for each man to possess the power of God, to be a better example of Christ and to die to self that He may shine from within, to show the oneness of God within each man. Jesus commissioned us also,
the world
Good news
Deliver. Come both, out of, and into
Open blind eyes
Heal those who cannot walk this out
Even if we drink of death, it will not eternally harm us
Baptize in water and in the spirit
Set a seal of my ownership on “the land”!!!
Again it is not good and will never profit a person to have a little of the goodness of God in their lives and to stay in “Egypt”. If any Egypt is in us, it will multiply itself and try to take over again. Get out of Egypt and get Egypt out of you! Remember Lot’s wife? She got out of Sodom and Gomorrah but it was not out of her heart so much to the degree she could not obey God, and was destroyed.
This is the point the enemy comes to steal from you, kill you and destroy you. He is a great strategist, for he knows what God wants and he hates God, so he has plans to destroy the plan of God for man in the earth, that involves anyone who calls themselves by Jesus’ name. he hates that name and anyone who uses it becomes his targeted prey. BUT there is Power, great power in that name if properly used within a right relationship with God by faith. Remember nothing is impossible with God!
Jesus came to give you life, but if we choose to keep a little satanic rulers alive in our midst, but know they will still steal, kill, or destroy us. That is their mission and co mission to take out the people of God and take their faith away. The only way around that is to take it ALL! Do not leave any traces of the appetites of the world or of doubt and unbelief or of criticism of any godly people around. These are devilish, demonic traps to take your soul. Give the devil and his servants NO place!
Don’t you think Joshua was a bit tired of holding the spear up? Do you remember a time when he held another’s rod up until every enemy was annihilated? He did it for Moses, and now here he is, someone did it for us, are we there for others? This is God’s plan for our lives to bless and be a blessing, be healed and heal, be loved and love, etc….
This time the Lord allowed Joshua to keep the stuff, why? He was at a place of obedience, he was found faithful, a good steward of the riches of what God treasures, which is people. When we are wiling to do what God wants the way He desires it and with the heart of love and servitude, even if we do not have to, we are blessed in all we do.