Friday, May 18, 2007

Lena Journals to Joshua 11 Today - finally

Let me pull a few words out of here and let’s see if it spurns some thoughts in your mind’s eye view…
When they heard
They sent a message, urgently
To mobilize
To assemble
They responded
To fight
They combined armies and resources
To cover the land (earth)
Like the sand of the seashore…..
They established a camp, to fight against____________!!!
WHAT should this be about? What does it so sound like if we’d not yet read any of Joshua 11?
Hearing, being a messenger, mobilizing, assembling, responding, in unity for the purpose of getting rid of enemies, combining strength and power to cover the earth like the sand of the sea….to fill full, where there’s no space for anything else… set up an encampment…..
THAT is the sound God has been waiting for, that is the sound of the human army of God called the united Body of Christ. Am I a part of the Body? Actively? On active duty, as a soldier who is enlisted is an army? Do I have any commanders? Do I do what I am told in the word of God?
Have you ever seen your life in Christ as that of a soldier with a mission to accomplish, working together with other soldiers who all have commander and Chiefs? Do you see your life as one that is in training until the commander says the company is ready to go? Not moving or going until He says to, not going AWAL (doing whatever you feel is best, right in your own eyes) - ever?
Do you go where the word is preached, to hear it and then mobilize your spirit, soul and body to do it? Do you willingly assemble with a local body where a leadership team knows what that specific company has to do and you are all into what they have to do, joining yourself to their vision and walking out appropriate goals to lead towards the successful fulfillment of the vision they have set up an army force to do? Or do you go to see what it is they can do for you, how they can serve you more, and help you more in everyday life and with your problems? Do you sit back and criticize the ministry and ministry team, because you have better ideas about stuff, all the while they have to assemble and leave without you because you never submitted to their training? Or do you lay your own (opinions) life down for the mission they’ve been given by God, to accomplish?
This may be a hard question to answer at first, but should be onbe to ponder the answers of. What vehicle does your enemy use to taunt you?
Fear? Rejection? Loneliness? Unforgiveness? Hurt? Media (any sort applies). How does he put vain imaginations in your head? Are you possibly a slave of a dependency, or a substance? Does it alter your behaviors and how you feel or don’t feel or how you do or do not participate in soldier activities? Do you ever feed the enemy? His complaints against you, your church, your leaders, your God? Or do you put his fire out as soon as you see a spark?
The Bible again states, GIVE NO place to the devil! None.
If he has a place, one has to ask why and do something about it.
We are the very habitation of God, how dare an enemy have any place in us, ever at all! We either give him a place or give him no place.
Unbelief and fear give room.
Disobedience gives rooms
Unforgiveness gives up holy space that belongs to God over to another who is not God’s friend.
Making inner vows and judgments about others, de-seats God and puts us on the throne, two cannot rule, only One. Allowing another to rule sets up a whole set of demonic allowances. Invite one demon, you are welcoming a host of ‘em, without thinking you were. Allow God, and the enemy and his cohorts flee. Submit to God, stand and resist, no submission to God, stand to the fall.
Who do we trust, who do we serve, who do we obey? Let’s join sides w/ God!
Why burn the city? So there’s nothing to go back to.
I’ve seen people who are dealing with an addictive behavior such as smoking, say wishfully to a friend or loved one, “I’m quitting”
The friend replies, “Oh man, great, awesome, I support that decision you’ve made. (and with a helpful hopeful attitude they add…) Hey, did you get rid of your cigarettes? (Is God now your source of comfort and joy and has He become your dependency?)
”We’ll I’m gonna wean from it slowly…”
“Oh ok”….(I sure hope so, especially without some sort of goal setting and accountability, I hope they can make the commitment on their own with their own willpower, because it seems to be obvious throughout history that willpower and self will alone have not helped people as much as we’d all like it to, maybe this time it is different.) Really without the convictive strength of Christ, we are left alone to ourselves and our self will, which will fail and disappoint us every time. That is how it should be, that we cannot do things that need supernatural help without Christ!
So again, why burn the city, or the drugs, or the pron books, or the devilish worship Cd’s or whetever it is that was a part of the old life you just decided to leave behind and to forsake and to grow in newness of life in Christ for? Why burn it?
To leave nothing, no resemblance of anything to go back to.
Say yes to God and His tremendous power and No to the enemy and his addictive behaviors! Throw the packs of cigarettes down the toilet and DO NOT ever buy anymore ever again! If you go buy again, I guarantee you it will be worse, way worse than it was at this point. You can say I told you so.
Why does it say it over and over again like 5 different ways, destroy ALL of the enemy?
How does a person become enemyless?
They become God ful.
Passionately full of God, so full, there is no room for else.