Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Studyin' w/ Lena's Journalin' Today to Leviticus 26

Let’s be reminded, God’s blessings are conditional, but His love is without condition. That means He loves us no matter what. No matter who we’ve been, or how we’ve acted, or whether we believe in and receive Him, or not. He loved us and sent His Son to die a horrendous death for us; and He would have done that merciful act, even if none of us ever received the love He extended towards us.
Do not be mixed up in your thoughts, believing that God’s unconditional love is how blessing comes your way, and that because He unconditionally loves us is the reason blessings are cultivated in our lives and generations.
His love and His blessings are NOT the same! If His blessings are withheld from us, it is not because He doesn’t love us and somehow He has chosen others than us to rain His blessing on. We are all chosen to receive His blessings, we just don’t all choose to walk in the ways that open the heavens and rain it down on our lives.
There is an engagement to the blessings of God, it is called covenant relationship and inside of that relationship lies the activation of covenant blessings which is completely due the righteous. That activation is called obedience. Obedience is exercised by faith in the author of the rules of the covenant. That’s relationship, when the relater is able to honor the author by doing what He authored, willingly.
So, If you will, I will.
If you do not, I will not
It will not be well with you or those with you.
In fact, all hell will have seemed to break loose over your life
You decided to walk away
But, I love you, I have loved you.
I told you
Did not leave you alone, without boundaries made clear or without laws to know where you are heading, without instruction to tell you when, where, how, and why.
I Am the answers to all of your questions.
I love the story of Ruth. As I read all of these cursings, I think of it pictured so clearly in Boaz’s commission to Ruth as a field worker. I can see Boaz’s heart cringe as He gives her instruction for safety and blessing’s sake and wonders if she indeed is the type of lady who is wise and will do what she is asked to do, or if she may get hurt, because she feels she’d rather experience it for herself first before she believes in the words of someone else, and walk in whatever way she decides to, without restrictions placed on her life by anyone else’s rules.
Boaz (God) says to Ruth (His bride the Church- that’s us), Hey, if you glean in my field (stay in this church body, rather than moving from place to place, come into the center of the fold, becoming an active member), I’ll literally be able to protect you from those sent by enemies, to devour you. Inside the boundary lines of this specific field, I have set parameters. The enemy knows if he’s allowed here or not allowed here, for what I’ve allowed is allowed, and what I’ve disallowed is disallowed! I know what I allow and disallow here. I don’t know and can’t give an account for what others decided out in the other fields. I’m the overseer here. I hire and fire whoever I want, according to their deeds. If they offend Me or mine they simply don’t work with Me any longer. Only those who have chosen this way can work here, so know you’ll be safe. Plus I watch here, day in and day out. I can’t see what is going on in other fields, they are not a part of My jurisdiction. I must keep My focus here so I can make sure everyone here is safe.
IF you so choose to glean here, I can assure you you’ll be safe, find rest, will have plenty to eat, and more than enough to take home for others to eat.
Now, it is up to you. Do you want to stay here? Or would you rather have variety in your life and go from place, to place, to place, everyday a different field experience? Hey that’s fine, it won’t offend me, it will bring me concern for your soul, but I won’t be able to go off to look for you. I’ll know you choose to go your own way and I’ll have to let you, because I’m assigned to watch here. If I go off to follow every person who chooses not to stay, I’d be leaving my watcher post.
I know they rape ladies in those fields over there. I’ve had some come here to be rescued. I’m just telling you, it happens. If/when it would happen to you, if you decided by your freewill choice to go there, it is NOT MY fault, and it’s NOT because I don’t love you. I do love you, which is why I did forewarn you of the possible dangers of being in other fields. If/when you return, My boundaries still stand, there is still safety here. I’m still here.
If you do not listen to My commands
If you break My covenant
If you disregard My words…
If you refuse to Obey Me
That is your right, option, choice.
Just know what happens to you there, in that wayward place, is not because I do not love you.
I love you and My heart is feeling ill at the thought of your wrong choosing.
I pray you’ll change your mind, before many tormentors have had their party days over you, before the enemy proclaims a victory over you.
The curse was self willed too. You either choose life or death, blessing or curse, there is no in between. None.
WAKE UP. The curses are alarms going off all over the world telling you GO HOME. Go back into the center of the sheepfold, be obedient, submit yourself, love, trust, give of your life in unprideful humility!
Is losing your children not enough to awaken you to follow after truth, and choose life?
I said I would never leave you, and I have not left you. You walked away, you did not choose Me. Don’t ask where I am. You know where I am. I’m right where I was when you choose to walk the way you choose to walk. My regulations will not be softened or change when you decide to return, You’ll have to repent of rejecting My ways in order to again be with Me, but My heart is waiting in such anticipation for that day. The day your enemies’ party is cancelled and your children’s future is secured by your choices.
Come home, My beloved, Come Home! You do have a loving Father, a beautiful Mother and a great older brother, along with a Holy advisor available to you everyday of the rest of your life. If you want to, Come home.