Saturday, April 07, 2007

Studyin' W/ Lena Deut 32

Receive what I have to say. Don’t reject it, or weigh it out to see whether I (God) am right or wrong, correct or incorrect, or if it can be done by you or fit into your lifestyle, most likely it can’t. Every time I speak I’m calling you to live a new life a new way, to reprioritize. If you can’t or won’t I’ll know you don’t want what I’ve said. Am I God to you? Am I great? Am I the one and only? Am I holy? Am I Magnificent? Is that how you live and adjust? Because you know this and believe this and live and act as though I Am who I’ve said I Am to you? It shows in everything you will or won’t do. I’m trying over and over to use your actions and decisions to show you what your priorities really are and how they can change and be changed in My greatness.
Who does your life belong to? It is showing up also. Many really think that they were given this life as a personal gift to do with it whatever they can, to enjoy it and find themselves, and have some sort of natural peace and prosperity and to make some kind of a name for themselves here. All of that may cause one to miss the point of why they were created. We were created as instruments. Tools to a fallen unredeemed world, who so desperately need to be saved from a self centered life, also the consequences of wrong choices and that will show up having a dire eternal effect.
The Lord is so gracious to give us His word, whatever the cost to humans who choose to carry it for Him. He is trying to show us in the reading and preaching and teaching of His word, then people say they don’t have time to read or hear it as though it was a story book or educational option. Then those who read it have had blinders on and wonder what it is saying and who it might be talking to, they exempt themselves believing it is some fascinating story and not one that is personally about them. The blinders tell them that they know a few people this could apply to, but for them they’ve been excused. It’s Not really telling me to go to church instead of work extra, and to not serve myself, or my own desires first. It isn’t really saying stop having that hobby that takes the place of God in our lives and lay it completely down, maybe even selling all the stuff that so easily excuses us as it takes away our time, and make a decision to go after studies that want get us a job anywhere, except working for God for free! It’s absurd that you’d see anything like that in the reading or studying of the word. That’s probably NOT what it is saying, right?
I mean, do you expect us to change our whole lives and act like God is really our Father and tells us what to do in the Bible? To believe wherever we live is because He put us there, like as missionaries? Don’t we have to change jobs and go to seminary or something first to be a missionary, and don’t missionaries go off to a strange place and get supported by other people, rather than working their normal job and spending time personally studying, worshiping, and preaching, instead of all of the other things our society is telling us we need to or should do?
Hold on a minute, am I not my own person? I’m not like, someone else’s slave am I? Are you trying to elude to the Idea that I should consider myself a slave to God and to the establishing of His invisible kingdom on earth, while I live here, and all the days of my own life here could and should be spent doing what He wants and thinks I should do, instead of me being a free individual? I mean God gave us a freewill didn’t He, and He freed us from slavery, didn’t He, and we don’t really have to do what anyone else tells us to, right?
Right, you don’t HAVE to!
You are free to do whatever you want to do.
You don’t have to do anything anyone else’s way, ever.
You have that right and exercise it with insistence, regularly.
You can even choose to go to hell if you want to.
You can choose to serve yourself, if you really want to.
Live as to make a name for yourself.
Get famous. Be self fulfilled and proud.
Be a good person, your way.
Make as much money as possible and miss the boat with God’s plan, if that’s what you choose or want to do.
You can even say you love God with words and come to His house as much as you want, and go about your business being good, if you want to, because you don’t have to follow anyone but yourself.
The thing is, do not say I did not tell you there is a better overall eternal way to live now. When you stand before God accountable for your life now, don’t use the excuse you didn’t understand then or didn’t know or hear about this choosing righteously thing.
A Christian is crucified with Christ and now lives a different life than they had ever planned to live before. The life they now live is a life of faith, not based on what part you can contribute because of your gifts or talents etc. But based on faith in how great He is in you and what He can do to show Himself strong and glorious through you.
He is jealous of your choices for others other than Him. He’s jealous that you choose your ways, rather than His ways. You make your own decisions, you want to be left alone. God did not make man to be alone. Curses will come, for persons who decide for themselves come against God and open doors to enemies to have and take place. There is no such thing as choosing other than God without consequence. The consequence is grace as long as one lives, to direct one back to God. One who wants to be left alone will be. Humans (sheep) don’t seem to really eternally really know what they want. He who created us knows all about us. He knows what he put inside of us to want.
So you want to control your own, life destiny and course? Can you really? This is a good question to ask. Who created the heavens and the earth, you? Who made man, you? It is amazing thought, that the creation could ever think to tell the Creator what to do, or where to go, or to serve or bless me. He laid out the conditions, boundaries, rules. We, the creation, follow them and in that are blessed. If we reject them, we are cursed. We either opt in for blessing or opt in for cursing. No way to play with God Master Creator and His Divine plan. It is deception for the evil enemy of God that would ever have creation believe any other way. That is worse than Russian Roulette.
Do you not understand the ways of the Lord? One’s who choose others do not understand. It is time to get it, let it register, who we are and who He is! Now is the time for revelation as never before. With all that you possibly can, get the understanding. Understanding comes by acting out obedience in faith. You cannot reason it out, weigh it out first, we were created to believe Him and then see Him as He is.
I have watched people over and over these past 28 years in the LORD, come in and go out of His presence, choosing their own way. I’ve watched the consequences of their choices overtake them and leave them destitute over and over again. The destitution is crying out to their very eternal spirits, “Come Home to Me” says the Lord, “Come decide to walk in My ways! Are you yet ready to forsake others and cleave wholeheartedly unto Me and to My ways?”
I hear destitution saying within them, “Please, Please, let’s go Home now, to Our eternal Father, please…..can we please choose that now, we’ve chosen others for so long, seeing none of it works, we know what works…please….”
Again He says, “Where is the liar to help you down in the pit? Is he who told you, you are better alone, paying for al your medical bills yourself or is he there keeping you company when no one wants to come around, when you have no one at all and are friendless, or without any fellowship?
Then I’ve watched their consideration of the paths set before them and I’ve seen enemies whisper lies in their ears over again, “See, I told you, you don’t HAVE to be told what to do, you don’t HAVE to go home, You are better at ruling your own life….”
And so we pray again, till they decide…
Obedience is the only way home.
Take to heart all the words of warning I have given you today. Pass them on as a command to your children so they will obey every word of these instructions. These instructions are not empty words—they are your life! By obeying them you will enjoy a long life in the land you will occupy when you cross the Jordan River.”
1st stop - The Jordan River, River of humility, the annihilator of the enemies of God called pride, arrogance, independence, insistence, rebellion, etc.