Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Studyin' Job 29 w/ Lena's Journalin'

It was easier at one time, huh? Christianity was easier. The walk of faith seemed more glorious, no cares, no woes.
So what happens to you if a care comes your way, or a woe?
Who are you?
Who’s are you?
Does it shake you or change your faith?
Does your faith increase or decrease?
Who do you blame?
God, yourself, the enemy?
No matter who is to blame, the matter is, what will you do, who will you be?
For things are not the same, or are they, within you?
Will faith still be found in, and remain in you?
Everything in life comes down to faith, in God.
Is there any to be found among you, when it is easy, or when it is hard?
Which one? Is there a difference, an opportunity?
Yes, growth comes, proving comes, to see if the faith one began with, they will also end with…
Is it genuine?
Time WILL tell us all.
Will you serve and demnstrate love when you don't feel to, when nothing adds up, when things (even God) have seemed to be ill at ease?
When it is no longer convieneint or easy?
When you don't have to and can take it or leave it, easily? Easier than staying would be?

Againm time will tell us all.