Friday, April 13, 2007

Lena's Journalin Today

God is Great, and Greatly to be praised!
He is the King over ALL the Universe, and its vastness is guided by His very words, the very same words which are alive as they live in me!
All it takes for a human to have the power of God within is obedient yielding, an acceptance of an invitation to do and be.
It amazes me with all the Universal power of God Most High, that a mere human will can halt His blessings extended towards them forever!
It is all contained in the “want to’s”. Even a young child will say to his or her mother or father, ”I don’t want to”.
What exactly is it we do not want to do?
Follow the Creator of the whole universe?
Trust and rely on whatever He says, using the same words He made heaven and earth and all Creation within it?
Believe in what we do not see, though all the evidences are here, right on earth, and in the visible heavens?
Care to do what we deem is hard, living for, and as, another?
Lay down our own wills, on purpose?
God has given us such power!
He is so brave to risk giving it to those who may not choose to use it to bring Him more and more glory.
The glory of the Lord in man is a man who gives who and what he is to the use of God!
That IS THE glory due His name.
Oh that man would be willing to obey, and would choose to give His life to the King!
Oh that man would change his want to’s on purpose to serve the greatest purpose of all, the universal will of the Creator Father.
Oh that man would tell His mind what to think, than to all his mind to tell him what to believe!