Saturday, April 14, 2007

Lena's Journalin' to Psalm 68 Today

Is it just automatic to see that which would lead one to participate in giving praises to God? Not at all. In fact, there is another vying for us to never give any acknowledgement of praises to God as Most High to us personally. In fact, his aim is the opposite, to disregard God worthy of our praises so that we will rather praise the praise due to God over to him, because he’s been successful in talking us into withholding what is due God.
Be aware the enemy of God and of our souls works in the seen realm. He’s good at convincing us that if we do not see it, it does not exist. He tries to play on our human senses and talks us into believing what we are not able, or may even never physically see, is not really real.
May I ask a silly question here? About 100 years ago, were you seen? I don’t think you were, but are you real?
How about technology, about 100 years ago there were no computer systems available to us to work on the internet and communicate together, does that mean it is not real? Ya know the people born before the 100 years could have been given this idea by God and it would have been quite foreign a thought to them. They had a natural choice back then, to regard it as impossibility, or to consider it by faith. There could have even been men or women back then who “saw” it, but did not know how to explain it or go about it, they may have believed it could be made, but they also may have passed on from this life, never ever seeing the likes of a day we are now in, where we have these machines in our own homes!
Just because we do not see it, does not mean it is not “there”. Where does every new thing come from?
I don’t see peace in my life, is it still possible and even available? That depends, on who you listen to and who’s words you mediate on.
Contentment is a choice. One can be content in ANY, yes I said that…ANY situation. Circumstances DO NOT dictate peace or contentment!
Right, in Christ our contentment and our peace lie in our belief and our love for God.
I bet God is very sad when He looks down upon His people, people who say they love and so appreciate Him, when they are so unhappy and discontented, blaming it all on every situation.
I had a dear friend say to me, things just have to get better than they presently are. As the friend stated this I had a comment rise up form my spirit man. I asked, “What if it (the present circumstance) never gets better, and it only gets worse?”
If that is the case, we should ask ourselves, will we always dwell in misery, depression, be ill at ease in body, soul & spirit, or will we LET GOD ARISE?
Who “lets” God arise inside of us?
We do
Who allows the LORD Jesus Christ, the anointed One, who came to out rightly destroy the power of every yoke of bondage in my life to tell me if I’m content or whether I’m at peace or not?
I do. You do.
Do you realize what God is here as this great revelatory part of our lives? If we come to know Him for who He is, He is our all sufficient One, our all in all. He does not necessarily intend to take us out of pain-filled situations, necessarily, and is not choosing to take us away from tyrannical rulers who are presently over us, and does not desire for us to just remove ourselves from the situations and make us hermits in life?
We are in the world and He’d like us to stay here and show others how to overcome inside of the same situations they are presently living in, situations that they may never be able to physically change or escape. The point is to be IN, stay IN and overcome with Him.
Is He great enough to arise in our lives, however hard, however things are set up, to be who and what we need without changing the situations?
Jesus clearly prayed to the Father for us. Father DO NOT take them out of the world, help make it clear in them that they are IN but not OF this world….
They don’t have to be miserable in miserable situations, they don’t have to curse those who curse them. They don’t have to pay people back for bringing pain on their lives., they don’t have to give back evil for evil, but they can willingly love the unlovely, they can bless the cursed, live in a storm and take authority over situations and circumstances through submission to the love of God which was freely given in Christ Jesus.
You do realize our enemies who scatter and flee away from us are NOT people, right?
The enemies He helps us so easily defeat are the one inside of our heads that yield to a wrong or deceptive spirit. The one that tempts us to hatred and strife with those who are seemingly contending with us.
The victory is to love and allow that blessing to fight for us, rather than us fighting for our peace ourselves. The victory is that there is quite the storm, but I’m not plowed down in spirit and soul, unrecoverable and brought down to a depressed state by what just went down. I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I speak to and ride through the storm, going to the other side of it, still in love with God and not measuring His love or favor of me on the storm coming or not coming towards me. The enemy uses this all the time, “if God really loved you, you wouldn’t even be in this storm!” THAT is an outright lie!
Jesus was in a storm, was tempted in every way, like me and more, was threatened, cursed, mocked, beaten, hated, scrutinized….all in a 3 year period! Why do I feel I need to escape any tests of my genuine faith in God? These tests are to prove me and see if I really am who I say I am.
In the world, you shall have tribulations, be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.
That is saying, you being in and not of, will show when you go through it all and come out with the love of God intact and your faith in Him kept holy unto Him. When you can and will praise anyway, when you can sleep and rest, even when it seems all hell is against your life. You trust completely in Him. The Lord Jehovah is your shield, your mighty fortress. He is your place of escape, without leaving. WOW, huh?
We choose to be at ease or diseased, it is all according to our faith, it is all according to the level of trust we walk in. Do we believe God is for us? Why so downcast, Oh my soul? Put your hope in God! Not that the situation will change, though that is always nice, but that you are able to retain your wholeness and become stronger inside of whatever comes your way, for we serve an awesome and a terrible God, and He is so proud of those who truly trust in Him, He arises for such as these who choose praise anyway.
This part about God placing the solitary in families, does not necessarily mean He will give you a perfectly modeled family as one imagines, a husband, wife and 2.5 American children.
No, you may be and feel alone, (this can even be a sense one has within a family unit), and you come to know God as Father, Jesus as brother, and the Holy Spirit as the Comforter of Your soul. You realize there is something much more eternal here on earth than that model picture, it is called the Body of Christ. You find where you never felt you belonged, you have been adopted by the choice of the One who could NOT resist having you in their family! You find as you lay what seemed like nothingness into the melting pot of the corporate expression of God as Father, Son and Spirit, and you begin to model this in the earth, you live by faith, not by the sight of the broken model, you are who you are in Him. In Him is all that matters, every other matter is so passing, so temporary, you enter into heaven’s model while on earth. You join yourself to the Lordship of Christ and engage your life as One with the only way He’s chosen to bring His kingdom rule to pass on earth, through His body.
I’ve seen many a person get angry at this passage and almost hold it in God’s face, like Your promised, I’d have a natural family. That dream, of a natural family, which God so wants you to have, needs to be offered as seed into the engagement of His body. Let it die, don’t be angry with God, don’t shake your fist at Him. He is for you, not against you. Are you for Him and His work?
It says the rebellious dwell in a parched land. If your land is parched, there is one way out- repent! Come back under the rain of revelation, that who and what you are is not based on natural situations, not anymore, if you now love and serve Christ!
Who sings the praises of God in the midst of the enemy plight? Kings and priests unto God Most High do, just because they choose to. If you can know it, that is who you are! The robes are awaiting those who so desire them, and He will not make them wear what they do not know or desire to wear. One must rise up decisively and put these robes of righteous living on themselves if they so choose. Praise is as a garment, we put it on or willingly take it off to wear another type of clothes, which would be sackcloth with ashes, - it says, woe is me, look at my bad world, I don’t see that my god is great enough to help me out of the thinking I’ve had in these situations. Look at me, I want more help from people than I believe I can get from God. I’d like people to attend to me more, it’s easier that way, to have people love and serve me, than it is to love and serve them as I serve an unseen God.
I love the stories of people like Corrie Ten Boone & Job. They were give to us by God to show us, if one is in a bad place who are they, while in a bad place, can they have peace? Can they see or willingly praise God anyway? This is our lives choices right now, today.
Ya know He is Mighty to save. Mountains even bow before Him.
There’s a certain connecting power that bring heaven to earth for us. It is called faith, hope, and love with obedient action.
Has that power arisen in you today?
If not, why not?
Do you sleep well? If not, why not?
Who has your peace? Who IS your peace?
Are you of or in and Not of, this world and the pull?