Sunday, March 25, 2007

Study Time w/ Lena's Journalin' Genesius 18 - Friends of God?

Abraham, means “father of many (nations)”.
Each of us who are born again in Christ, are the seed of Abraham (Gal 3:13). The question is, are we at a place of being a father to any, as well as many?
This is what God is after, people who will father other people. Even the world is looking for fathers. They are presently setting up programs all around our nation. They’re called mentorship programs, where one person, usually an older person or one with more of the experience, helps guide a younger person, usually a student. They help them, teach them, and lead them. The student becomes accountable to them even in behaviors, for behaviors shape every part of our lives and affect even our future and our present workable relationships.
God is looking for people who are willing to be changed enough for the purpose of building a solid relationship with their Father God, that they can also reflect Him to others properly, for they know Him personally and desire to be a proper reflection. Then they can turn around to those younger in Christ and father them in the ways of the Lord.
There’re only a few things preventing this design and vision from God to be enacted among humanity. A willingness to be a real, live, and true example, a willingness for that Abram to be changed into a father figure, then a willingness for someone to come under another human who may be mistaken at times or make some wrong decisions in directing other humans. That takes a great and forgiving relationship with God and a heightened trust level for a mentored one to believe God can and would repair any mistake we did not make for ourselves.
As a potential mentor/father are we perceptive and sensitive to the things God is saying or wants to show us? (i.e. Abraham saw the angels coming, had a sense they had a message, wanted them and God to know He was interested, and set up an atmosphere for them to dwell in for at least enough time for them to be able to deliver their message).
Are we receptive to the words of God? Remember if we decide to pick and choose the vessels we will receive or not receive the words of God through,we are not yet sensitive to Him. In fact usually a mentor/father is chosen for you, not by you. So God chooses the persons who will speak into your life, from parents you did not choose, to family members whom you did not choose, to teachers you also did not choose, to a boss you did not choose, to a neighbor you did not choose, to a roommate you did not choose, co-workers, employees, and all of those around us we did not choose.
If we know and believe in, and trust, and really rely upon Him, it won’t matter who He has chosen, with His Divine help we can first become a son and then a father. As submitted ones, who willingly submit to the ways He works out our salvation, we find ourselves changed, even inside of present situations. Resistance, because we did not initiate or choose will cause us to be swung into a struggle of the spirit and soul, the struggle will not ever change the persons involved, it just makes one who needs change miserable, until they yield (i.e. Jacob wrestled with God).
Abraham set up an atmosphere for hearing God’s message. He knew God had something important to say to Him and he wanted the messengers to be in an atmosphere to be able to speak it.
Do you ever set up the atmosphere of your heart before you go to church or a bible study or a meeting with a mentor/father? Are you resistant, scared, angry, defensive, dreading, non-responsive, or insensitive? If any of these apply, then you must change your atmosphere to make it conducive to hearing God’s voice through His messengers. The only way to hear clearly is to be humbled in spirit and soul and be willing to be corrected. Only sons can be fathered. Sons are ones who yield themselves to change as often as necessary to honor their Father God more and more and more.
Abraham (a man with nothing more than promise of being made into a father someday), decided to feed the messengers of God!
Jesus said My meat and My drink is to do the will of Him who sent Me, I always do what My Father says to do. I represent Him completely.
Jesus is God!
How does a human feed God? How does a human give God sustenance?
That human chooses to do the non self initiated will of God, even through the words of messengers.
Abraham was a father, because he did the will of God. A son is not a son until he does his father’s will. When he himself chooses to live that way, he’ll become a father. For God will have entrusted him as faithful in smaller things as a son first, fathers rule over much.
Do you know that Abram was called Abraham by God WAYYYYY before he became what Abraham meant? Why did it take so long, and why do things take so long for us? Or why do they maybe never even happen in one’s lifetime even if God spoke them over the person through a messenger?
I hear people say all of the time, that it is because His time is not the same as ours. That is true, His time NOW, the to obey is also NOW, His time for us to respond to Him is Now. His time for us to do what He has said, inside of

a faith filled and trusting relationship is NOW. It is also forever, it is not to not to be up and down, whishy washy, and here and there.
It must become settled by us, in our own minds and hearts, that His will and our will are the same. One reason it took time was Ishmael. Men who do not trust God and have not settled it forever, will try to work it out their own way.
The delay is not always because it is God’s timing. It may very well be you have not submitted yourself to be receptive of His who is responsive to the change needed in you to bring you to a place of sonship, as one who will be faithful when the promise is fulfilled in your life, God will know by your resolve you are now ready to be an executor of His own will also.
Time is to grow up, me made matured, be found and proven faithful. The person decides how long that takes by the decisions they make and their active follow through.
Abraham/father gave the messengers his best. his best service, his best gifts, his time, all that was give was his best. How many of us want to give our all to another person who would father us for God?
In the good ol’ USA, that is like a mockery. Give your best to others? You save up your best for yourself, for no one else gives you their best, ever. If you don’t save it for yourself, you’ll never get the best! That is so contrary to obedience to the word. The word of God states, that the 1st shall be last, and the last first, if you want to be great, serve others, if you seek to save your own life you’ll lose, if you seek to lose (give away) your own life’s plans and desires, you’ll find life – eternal.
It’s dog eat dog world here and self protective mode is in 5th gear!
Trust people? Whew, do you know what you are saying? Yes I do. I do know. It takes an over comer to trust people. It takes a person with a strong relationship with God to trust people, it takes a person willing to lay down their own life and not take it back up, to trust and follow after fathers/ mentors/ people!
Yep, it does.
Is God great enough to protect us? Yes He is.
Is He great enough to heal us, even if a person re-injures us? He is that also.
Is He great enough to make another persons mistakes right, if they do us wrong? It depends?
Do you believe Him in and for that? Do you trust Him? Or will you just step in and repair it as best you can, all the while you separate yourself again from those who hurt you and never become a father because you would not trust God to do what it took to be a son?
Separating from people means separating from God, one cannot operate in one and not the other, they are one in the same. If we will not repair human relationships, we are not willing to operate in the principles written in the word of God. Forgiveness is one of the biggest principles to follow in God’s word. As you forgive others, you will be forgiven according to that measure in Christ.
After Abraham served strangers by faith, after he gave his best, after he trusted God, the messengers spoke God’s promise into His life! A SON became a father! Of course that was only the beginning of many, many sons to come, in which we who submit ourselves to Christ and God, His way, are in that number.
In being a father, Abraham would stand in the gap for others who were not yet sons or fathers, for God desires nations of peoples who are called by His name. He desires to save the wretched, the lonely, the perverted, the corrupt, the filthy, the vile, whosoever will, whosoever will be offered sonship through a human father/mentor.
Intercession takes a lot of trust and reliance on God to see beyond what one sees and believe God to penetrate the darkness with His spirit. To call for the impossible to be made possible. To bring heaven’s government down to earth. It is hard to look at what appears and believe anything good could come. No good comes from evil in itself, but an evil heart can turn towards God and God uses men to petition on behalf of those who are lost.
Abraham became God’s friend. God is looking for friendship, even beyond sonship & fatherhood. He is looking for man to become as He is and to desire what He desires on earth. That man, the man who is a son and a father, and an intercessor, God will not withhold revelations and secrets from him.
Can Abraham speak like God, not of what he sees naturally speaking, but of what could be changed? Abraham can, but is that the real question, really? We can too, but still, is that the true question? No. The question to all Abrahams is will he choose to? To speak of what is not yet seen, trusting God to see beyond what he does see, to what does not yet appear.
Lord, if only 50% stay with You after they’ve said they have received You, will the world be saved with this many who will truly become fathers in the faith?
What about if only 45% of those who say they are Christian, believer-disciples stay with the faith-walk all of their days?
Lord, in the natural their fruit that remains isn’t looking all that good, so much has come against them and they’ve succumbed to many an attack.
What about 30%, Lord, if only 30% of those who say they are disciples really are, if we find there are only 30% of those who say they are, really are, in action and in deed? Can the world be saved with only that many as laborers?
Lord, Can You save our corrupt world with only 30% of those who say they are, really being disciples/fathers/mentors/teachers?
Yes, I can.
He will save by many or by few. For nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few."
1 Sam 14:6
He is GOD!