Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lena's Discipleship Journalin' Today to Hebrews 4

This is Big Giant; people seeking venture, all out for the venture for peace. Rest and peace. Because of the misery we are tired, worn out, we have done a whole lifetime of our own laboring and living out the consequences of paying for our own sin and bad choices or trying again and again to be or do good, etc., Many even speak of death as being some sort of relief, and it can be. Be careful though, for without Christ it would be the very beginning of torments, total and eternal unrest. Even grave markers say, “rest in peace”, but the only true and eternal peace is authored in our service to our Maker.
God’s rest is not what we’ve related rest to be, it is so much more. We need to allow God to define His words to our spirits and go beyond our mind’s-eye view. His rest is when we do His work. When we live for His work in the earth. He is at rest then. We enter into His rest. We cease from our own push and shove to “get ahead” if there is any “ahead”. Most of the time our own labors result in what is likened to running in place or being in a hamster cage on a rodent wheel. We go no where and accomplish very little.
When I say very little, I don’t mean there’s no accomplishment. I mean eternal accomplishment is the only true accomplishment. All else will pass away as soon as we do, most we have worked for will go to the dump and be burned. What is eternal is what is worth living and working for, it is where we spend our lives on what really counts.
Who is disobedient to God? Let’s not skip over this one too quickly. Many times when the word says something such as this we tend to point a righteous finger at who we perceive to be heathen. The word is 80% of the time speaking to Christians, not heathen, or those who don’t even know God. Anyone who disobeys God, as the people of Israel did, will fall….Israel is the church! It is NOT the heathen. The word today is speaking about people who consider themselves righteous!
Love obeys. Obedience is the greatest expression of love. Love does the will of others. Love says, I do have a will, but I choose to do the will of another because I really love. I do what hurts me, rather than hurting myself. I take hurt upon myself, rather than allow someone else to be hurt by me. I’m not self preserving. I’m others protecting, to keep them in and heading towards the will of their Father.
What is the last thing you felt the Holy Spirit tell you to do? De-junk and simplify your life? Be kind to someone specific? Be committed to a church body and its work, no matter how inconvenient it may be for you? Did He ask you to pray more, read more, lay down some things you like to do for what He’d have you replace it with? Has he been trying to tell you what to do at every turn? Did you ever pray, “Lord lead me”? Has he been trying to?
We have opportunities to obey God in these things and put weight behind our words to Him, such as, “I love you Lord”.
Remember Lord is Master. Lord is King. Lord gets His way, if He is Lord. If He’s not, someone is, it may very well be you. Even if only in your mind or heart, it may be.
Ya know even if you do not believe or embrace these teachings, they will be required of you. It’d be better to set ourselves inside of them than to disregard them and have a hefty bill to pay when we stand before God later on.
One day, could be today for each of us, every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.