Monday, August 01, 2005

Today our Daily Bread Gen 1 Matthew 13:23

Matthew 13:23
The good soil represents the hearts of those who truly accept God's message and produce a huge harvest – thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted."
When I think of harvest, I think of increase, when I think of increase, I think of works done with reward, or fruit that is evidence of the work. When I look at this scripture, I see 30 fold, 60 fold, 100 fold. To me that is more than double, more than a one here and a few years later on, one there.. It shows me there is a continual flow, always a flow, always more, never just a few.
Genesis 1:1-31
1 In the beginning God created F1 the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface. 3 Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 And God saw that it was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day" and the darkness "night." Together these made up one day. 6 And God said, "Let there be space between the waters, to separate water from water."7 And so it was. God made this space to separate the waters above from the waters below. 8 And God called the space "sky." This happened on the second day.9 And God said, "Let the waters beneath the sky be gathered into one place so dry ground may appear." And so it was. 10 God named the dry ground "land" and the water "seas." And God saw that it was good.
11 Then God said, "Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant. And let there be trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. The seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came." And so it was. 12 The land was filled with seed-bearing plants and trees, and their seeds produced plants and trees of like kind. And God saw that it was good. 13 This all happened on the third day. 14 And God said, "Let bright lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. They will be signs to mark off the seasons, the days, and the years. 15 Let their light shine down upon the earth." And so it was. 16 For God made two great lights, the sun and the moon, to shine down upon the earth. The greater one, the sun, presides during the day; the lesser one, the moon, presides through the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set these lights in the heavens to light the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 This all happened on the fourth day. 20 And God said, "Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind." 21 So God created great sea creatures and every sort of fish and every kind of bird. And God saw that it was good. 22 Then God blessed them, saying, "Let the fish multiply and fill the oceans. Let the birds increase and fill the earth." 23 This all happened on the fifth day. 24 And God said, "Let the earth bring forth every kind of animal – livestock, small animals, and wildlife." And so it was. 25 God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to reproduce more of its own kind. And God saw that it was good.
26 Then God said, "Let us make people F2 in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life – the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, F3 and small animals." 27 So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and told them, "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals."
29 And God said, "Look! I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. 30 And I have given all the grasses and other green plants to the animals and birds for their food." And so it was. 31 Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent in every way. This all happened on the sixth day.

F1: Or In the beginning when God created, or When God began to create. F2: Hebrew man; also in 1:27. F3: As in Syriac version; Hebrew reads all the earth.
The New Living Translation

~Lena’s Journalin’~
There’s so much to say here.
I’d like to try to tell a story, in as short of form as I can, just for those who’ve not thought of it and reinforcement for those who have.
Let’s go into God’s heart and mind. Wait a minute! Can we do that? Of course we can, the Bible tells us, as Christians (Christ-like ones) we HAVE the mind of Christ, who was INSIDE of God from the very beginning…
So if, we are in Christ and Christ was in God, are we not as Born again children and sons of God, inside of God’s heart and mind? Does that mean I always think as He thinks? No, but when I seek His will and heart the Bible tells me I will find Him. Let’s find Him together today…
Ok, God IS LOVE! God IS 3- in-1 Father, Son & Holy Spirit! Plural, yet 1. God dwelt together as 1, all that was and dwelled around God was 1 with Him, 1 in His design, 1 with plan and 1 with Him, though plural, 1. Then part of what was 1 with God decided to divide and separate from God’s ideas plans, designs etc., going out on their own, so to say. They could have gone out, as 1 with God according to his design and plan , but doing it on their own meant they weren’t with God, but were against Him. This was the presentation of 2. With God is 1, against God is 2. 2 cannot dwell with God, who is 1; and all that are with God are 1, all against are 2. God’s plan and design are 1, and will always at all times forever stay 1. Whatever is 1 dwells with God, whatever is not 1, does not dwell with God.
So darkness was upon the earth and God brought light and God created 2 in the earth, it seemed backwards from what and who God is, but he did it as a picture of who He is and what He is doing always t all times and forever. In chaos (2) He painted a picture, in division (2) and darkness (2) He set a man (1), on earth, where 2 fell down to, He set a man (1) who was just as He is (1) in the earth, where 2 was. He created man as a picture of what was in heaven with God (1). Then he separated out of man a picture of (2), it looked like 2 in principle, but was 1 like God in plurality, but others (2 who fell to earth) did not see that as so. So God said to them (the others behind and all around the man), See, I have made man (1) to rule, and He took Eve out of man (1) and made 2 (not 2 in division or or darkness or disagreement with God) and God said "I’m making these 2-1!". It was a prophecy of restoration, it was a word of reconciliation, it was a Divine plan unfolding, an answer to the 2 that rose up against God in heaven and fell to earth. God came to earth (where 2 was) and made 1 on earth, male and female He created them (1). They were to reproduce 1 and rule, they were to multiply 1, they were to make fruit that fills the earth with 1, they were to subdue what was 2 by being who they were created to be according to God’s Divine plan and purpose-1. Only if they could stay 1, it was not a matter of how many they were, there was a whole host in heaven who were still 1. Plural, but 1/ That was not the plight. The mission is and always and forever will be 1. 1 is the plan, 1 is the answer- to everything. Can we be 1? Yes. Do we want to be 1? Will we be 1? That was a question a serpent asked Adam & Eve. That same fallen being is asking us that same thing everyday. The problem is 2, the answer is 1. The answer in the garden at creation was 1 and the answer today inside of me is 1. Will I be 1 WITH God? Will I be 1 with you to show that I’m willing to be 1 with God’s? Will I sacrifice my life’s desires as Jesus did His natural life to show 1? Or will I participate in the attributes of 2 continually in the earth where God has by design and original plan set me as He did Adam & Eve, to be 1 WITH Him? Will I be fruitful (in 1), multiply(1), replenish (1), subdue all that is not 1 in me or comes against 1 in me, will I dominate that which tries to take 1 from me and from God and add more of 1, as much as is in me, in the earth? Jesus said, not my will (or what is pulling so hard at my will to want this as You want this) but Your will be accomplished back into the heavenly and earthly (universal) realm! (universe= 1 word).