Saturday, February 19, 2005

Lena's Comments Psalm 1

To me this means they are "dead" to the attentions and leadings of the world and its ways, and they are alive to the leading of God’s Spirit and the activity of it. How can one have what true joy brings in their walk of righteousness, if there is nothing that brings joy? And true eternal joy brings that strength we look for.
The word "counsel" here has the roots of "purpose and strategy" Believe me, the world has a purpose and a strategy for us, this is why we must find ourselves becoming informed of God’s purpose. If we do not, we end up being at the guides of the world’s purpose, we are in its sway, and under its rule, my default.
Wicked here means one who is in opposition to God, a criminal. We were all criminals when we had not received Jesus Christ’s payment for our sins. Our sins incriminated us, set a wall between us and God’s love and forgiveness and eternal reward of life forever.
What do we continually listen to that opposes more of God and His presence being worked in us? Ungodly thoughts and voices? Music? TV? Friends? Because He knows we are possibly subject to these voices, He knows we have to stop the voices and meditate on whatever it is He is saying to us. He is always speaking to us, we just need to listen. It’s very interesting that the word "meditate" means to mutter, like speaking over and over again to oneself! I also think of praying in the Spirit- muttering to oneself before God. Cool, huh?
To me delight has to do with desire, desire comes from greater understanding. Remember Proverbs- with all you can do to get it, get understanding.
A sinner is simply one who has not been redeemed, in that they have yet to receive the truth of their redemption. If you are a new Christian or a weak one, it is NOT wisdom to hang around with and listen to and agree with those who do not know or understand what God has done for us. Until we are strong, this will not help us grow in our new faith. Instead one must become planted near those who are established and strong. Living their new faith in an atmosphere conducive to nurturing growth in them. We say we want to grow, but we put ourselves in dark, dry places? That is a contradiction. If you want to grow you’ll do what’s been prescribed to promote that growth. # 1 that is being IN the fellowship of other believers, who are growing and know how growth is established and maintained. The kind of people we need to be around are those who yield fruits. YEILD- that means they are willing to give themselves over to change. They are not rigidly (dead people are rigid, just a side note), immovable. The only thing we should be immovable on is our faith and that we will stay the course because of Jesus Christ. Unless we’re ever willing to change and be changed how can we become more like Him? I love the word Yield (I named our child this word- Cassia) I wish I could print it here.
Go to
and under "Online Bible Study", type in: "Psalm 1", In: "Whole Bible" or "Old Testament", Using: "NAS with Strongs numbers" , and then once you see the verse come up below, click on the underlined word "yield" and read through the list, bet you get to know a few things you hadn’t thought of…. Awesome. Now that’s studying and meditating on the word!
What does the word mean when the Bible says perish? I’ll sum it up, Whatever Steals, Kills or Destroys you. Your life – physically, or your life mentally, or your faith, or your eternal state of being with or without God. That includes the here and now and the thereafter. That about covers everything. Read Jn 10, where Jesus talks about why He came, and why the enemy is here working among us in this world. When you know what they enemy is trying to do to your body, soul or spirit or faith, and then you know why Jesus came, it gives good reason to arise out of the sleepy slumber "oh what does it matter anyway" state and recognize a thief is trying to get in my house and take – ME, away from my peace with God, my rightful place with God, my walk with God, my assignment from God, my purpose in God etc etc…
There is a balance scale to weigh every thought, every intent, every action on: Steals, Kills, Destroys – is the one sided measure, and Gives Life is the othersided measure. So, doubt comes. Which side does it measure on? What about fear? What about lies? And what about unforgiveness, etc? What about Bible Study, and Christian influences, church, forgiveness? Is the scale balanced? Throw the balances off and don’t even put any weight on the steal, kill, destroy side! Would we want a their to take just some of our car or jewelry? Or money? NO, not at all.
A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. Prov 11:1 abomination, that old King James word- is like something very putrid, something one would readily turn their face from in disgust.
Ok I’m finally done here for today J Wrote more than the scripture posted !
Love to all !